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Name: Merry Natalia Sidabutar

NIM: 2203132019

Delivery of goods through expedition companies has increased ahead of Eid al-Fitr.
Moreover, online shopping or e-commerce activities are currently trending, and online shopping
or e-commerce orders have increased dramatically. So that the delivery of goods in a number of
expedition services experienced delays in delivery when compared to normal days. It is not
uncommon for the delivery of these goods to be delayed up to 4 or 5 days at the destination. This
essay will discuss some of the reasons why this happens and its impact on expedition services,
couriers, consumers, and online shops.

The cause of this delivery delay is that many goods come in, especially from online shops
or e-commerce. Thus, the expedition warehouse is full, and if the warehouse is full, the goods
will be held and the delivery will be late. In addition, couriers are overwhelmed with delivering
orders because packages have increased dramatically from normal days. Due to the large number
of items being delivered, couriers have to face time pressure and work harder to deliver packages
on time. This can cause fatigue and stress for the couriers. Another consequence for consumers is
that if the package they ordered is food and the delivery is delayed, then the package may expire.
And usually this affects the rating of the online shop or e-commerce that they use. Consumers
will complain about orders that do not meet their expectations, so they give negative feedback to
the online shop or e-commerce.

As a result, sales decline due to doubts from other buyers.Therefore, it is important to be

wise when doing online shopping, especially when approaching national holidays and
considering the possible impacts. It is not only one party that suffers a loss, but many parties also
suffer the same loss.

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