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AINUL MARDHIAH BEFORE • Having a o Discuss about what kind of event

BINTI MOHD SOBRI meeting with that will be held.
lecturer and the o Make a confirmation about the
team event.
o Set the date.
o Discuss about the clothes that
will be choose for the event.
o Discuss about the title of the
o Discuss about the influencer.
o Choose a venue that suits the
• Visit the site o Measure the area of the site that
with the team is compatible with the vendor
venue o Plan how many people that will
be fit at the place.
• Check the o Ensure their checklist is
team’s checklist adequate and ask them to
correct mistake that they have
done in the checklist.
• Search for the o Helping the team logistics to find
extra equipment that need to be
equipment added for the event.
o Ask the admin whether the item
is available or not.

DURING • Ensure o Make sure the master of

everything is ceremony is ready with the
tentatively script.
available. o Ensure that there is enough food
for all of the guests.
o Ensure that there are enough
escorts to accompany VIPs and

• Help other o Help other teams if they lack of

teams. manpower.
AFTER • Gather o Ask the guests for a review of
feedback how they think the event well.
o Figure out what the teams did
well and what we could improve
• Thank everyone o Contact all of the vendors to
who helped thank them.
o Contact the influencer to thank
him for accepting our invitation.
• Make a report o Collect all the data about the
event to make a report.

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