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PED 11 Week 8

The recommendedcurriculum was translated into written curriculumlike books,

modules, teachers' guides, andlesson plans which are the basis of the taught
curriculum. A teacher who implements thecurricula needs support materials
supported curriculum to enhance teaching and learning sothat the written and the
taught curricula can be assessed (assessed curriculum) in order todetermine if
learning took place learned curriculum.

However, there are so many activities thathappen in schools but are not deliberately
planned. This refers to the hidden curriculum.A classroom teacher plans,
implements, and evaluates school -learning activities bypreparing a miniscule
curriculum called a lesson plan or a learning plan. The teacher then puts lifeto a
lesson plan by using it as a guide in the teaching-learning process where different
strategiescan be used to achieve the learning objectives or outcomes. There are
many styles of writing alesson plan, but the necessary plans or elements such as
Learning Outcomes, SubjectMatter, Teachin Learning Strategies, and Evaluation or
Assessment should always beincluded.

All of these elements should be aligned so that at the end of the teaching-
learningepisode, learning will be achieved with the classroom teacher as a guide.
PED12 Week 8


Displine and Routines normalize in your classroom behavior some students who
come to our classroom unsure as to how behave in a class how to walk with scissors how to
put makers back how write a heading on a piece of paper anything we want to done in the
classroom we have to teach them how to do and teach them how to do well. The biggest
benefit of establishing routines is saving time and you’ll save a lot of it great deal of time is
lost in the classroom by having to repeat instruction again to students who aren’t listening
however once you’ve taken the time to establish routines the job of getting yout students to
follow your instructions is largely done for you no longer have to continually tell them what to
do because the routine reminds them exactly what to do and how to do it.

Additionally displine and routines give your students kind of map to follow and because this
routine map doesn’t change it creates to your class a 100% consistency and as teacher we
and know important of consistency in terms of teaching and managing behavior of your
students and rountines are really consistency in practice . routines also give a greater
chance of expericing succes in your lesson and for our tough know most challenging student
this is something they rarely get to enjoy by giving them very clear steps to follow in order to
complete some given a taks the likehood of them doing the right thing is increased

By giving them proper displine an routines it will success lead to better behavior and more
opportunities you have to praise your students to thank them for behaving appropriately the
more quicly their attitudes and behavior will change for the better .The advantages of
conducting proper displine and establishing routines inside your classroom you can make
teach day far easier also teach what they do by distributing materials clearing away
materials asking for a help, what to do when you’ve finished your task, what to do when
you’re late how use certain equipement going to library listening to the school annoucement
or what will you do if you have a visitors in the classroom attending in-class work or
homewrok leaving in the classroom

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