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The provided bar graph represents the world-wide sale of mobile games, online games, console games

and handheld games from 2000 to 2006. Data is calibrated in billions of dollars. After analyzing the
graph, it is evident that handheld games had highest sales in all the given years.

In 2000, mobile games and online games had zero sales, but after a year the revenue of online games
started increasing slightly with one billion dollars and reached the $9 billion in 2006. However, sales of
mobile phones games commenced in 2002 with $2 billion, after that it rose gradually and marked its
sales to $7 billion by 2006. Console games and handheld games were popular in the market so their sales
were higher. The sales of console games fluctuated all over the period started with $6 billion in 2000 and
went $4 billion in 2003 and ended with half of its sales in 2000. Handheld games were the most selling
games in all over the period sale stated with $10 billion in 2000 and reached marvelously $18 billion in

Overall, it is manifest from the graph that handled games were the most selling games and console
games were the least selling games.

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