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What do you think was the purpose of the board display?

The purpose of board display is to provide information about the school or classroom event and also to
post the school’s achievements.

Did the board display design reflect the likes/interests of its target audience? Why? Why not?

Yes. Based on the design of the board display, I noticed that it reflects the likes/interests of the target
audiences, because the students can get information and updates that are beneficial to them. For
example, an announcement of the exam schedule and school activities, as well as other school-related

Was the language used clear and simple for the target audience to understand? Why not?

Yes. The language used was very clear and simple for the target audience to understand because it
contains simple and clear messages that students easily understand.

Was the board display effective? why? Why not?

Yes, I think the board display is effective because students take time to read the news and updates,
announcements, and reminders on the display board, and the information is beneficial for them to know
what’s going on around the school campus.

What suggestions can you make?

Based on my observation of this display board, my suggestion for the other display boards, especially for
the college department, is to decorate them so they can catch the learner’s interest and curiosity.

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