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Postpartum Game Report

You have completed the game by answering 11 questions.
However, if you give only correct answers it should only take 10 questions to complete the scenario. See if you can improve your results next
If not attending an organized debrief, make sure you download and complete the self-debriefing questions to optimise your learning experience.

Your Responses
Q: How should you respond?
A: Introduce yourself to the family (Correct)
Q: How should you proceed in your assessment?
A: Ask client's permission (Correct)
Q: According to your findings, what should you assess next?
A: Assess the fundus (Correct)
Q: What should you do after massaging the fundus?
A: Assess for bleeding (Correct)
Q: What other interventions should you offer the client?
A: Offer ice packs (Correct)
Q: What is your response related to additional interventions for the client?
A: Encourage use of donut cushion (Incorrect)
Q: What additional intervention should be safe and beneficial for a swollen perineum?
A: Discuss cleansing the perineum (Correct)
Q: What are the signs and symptoms of infection?
A: Increased pain and fever (Correct)
Q: Knowing that Hannah was last fed 6 hours ago, what action should you take?
A: Wake the baby up (Correct)
Q: How should you explain if the newborn is getting enough breast milk?
A: Count the number of wet diapers (Correct)
Q: What is the correct position to place a newborn in when sleeping?
A: On the back (Correct)

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