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Mabini Street, Tagum City

Davao del Norte
Telefax: (084) 655-9591

Pangalan: Oras: 2:30-3:30 Code: 0617

First Week Activities:

Let’s Check
Activity 1
True or False. Write TRUE if the statement is correct. Write FALSE if it is
False 1. Feedbacking is not really necessary in second language learning.
True 2. Communicative competence is the primary goal of second-language teaching.
True 3. Aptitude is the ability of one person to memorize new vocabulary.
True 4. Integrative motivation is present when the learner is motivated to learn second
language because of an interest in the people that speaks the second language.
True 5. Students with high motivation generally do better in second language
False 6. Learning a second language to go abroad is under resultative type of
True 7. Teachers play a big role in the second language acquisition of students.
True 8. A person has grammatical competence when he/she has knowledge on
morphology, semantics and syntax.
True 9. When a person has the ability to solve communication problems as they arise,
then that person possesses strategic competence.
True 10. Second language can only be acquired through imitation and repetition.

Activity 2
Identification. Identify the specific aspect of communicative competence referred
Grammatical Competence 1. Referring to a dictionary to look for the meaning of a
Mabini Street, Tagum City
Davao del Norte
Telefax: (084) 655-9591

word you don’t understand.

Sociolinguistic Competence 2. I have to avoid culture-bias in my conversation.

Discourse Competence (Textual Competence) 3. His letter consists of run-on

Strategic Competence 4. Sensing that the one you are talking to does not
understand what you want to convey that is why you make
use of gesture.
Discourse Competence (Rhetorical Competence) 5. I admire the CEO of the
company. She can eloquently share her ideas.
Strategic Competence 6.You ask an English native speaker to talk more slowly,
because you can hardly catch his words. You are not a
native speaker of the language of the speaker.
Sociolinguistic Competence 7. You are extra cautious in selecting of words of guest
introduction, so that you don't say phrases that offend your
audience consisting of government officials in key positions.
Discourse Competence (Textual Competence) 8. The boy assembled his toy car by
following instructions found in the manual.
Sociolinguistic Competence 9. Her words are suitable for a particular purpose and a
particular audience in a particular context.
Grammatical Competence 10. Her composition ignored all rules on subject-verb

Let’s Analyze
Activity 1
Answer the following questions elaborately and with depth.
1. In your own understanding, how would you define second language acquisition?
Mabini Street, Tagum City
Davao del Norte
Telefax: (084) 655-9591

 Second language acquisition is a language that enhances the learners’

academic, educational and cultural context. It is a process where learners can
learn another language aside from their native language. It helps people to
explore and have chance to socialize with other culture.

2. How English as second language is acquired by native learners?

 English is acquired as the second language by native learners because they

acquired languages when they can understand well. Since, there is some time that
native learners can read and write in English that’s why it becomes the second
language for native learners. There are hypothesis that supports on how native
learners acquired languages, these are the Acquisition-Learning Distinction, the
Natural Order Hypothesis, the Monitor Hypothesis, the Input Hypothesis and the
Affective Filter Hypothesis.

3. If you will be teaching a second language to a group of school aged learners with
different first language backgrounds, can you think of pedagogical tasks/activities in
which children can display and use their L1 knowledge to help them learn the
second language? What are those?

 If I will be teaching a second language to the learners with different first language
backgrounds the first thing that I would do is let the learners introduce theirselves
using their first language. Step by step give the learners an activity that slowly
adapting the second language. As a teacher, I need to use different strategies so
that the learners will always have interest in joining my class.

4. As a teacher, how can you address the factors that affect Second-Language
acquisition for students’ optimal second-language learning?

 As a teacher, it is very important for us to know more our learner’s personality,

age, motivation and aptitude so that we can easily adjust and get some ideas
about their background and these are the factors affecting second language
acquisition. As teachers, we need to consider always our learners in order for
them to have inspiration to continue learning.
Mabini Street, Tagum City
Davao del Norte
Telefax: (084) 655-9591

In A Nutshell
Activity 1
Based from the items that you have learned and the learning exercises that you
have done above, please feel free to write your lessons learned below.

In this lesson, I learned that:

1. Second Language is very important to our learners. They need to learn English as
the second language because English nowadays is very useful especially in getting a
job or going to the other countries.
2. At first, teachers must always remember the factors which are the personality, age,
motivation and aptitude to have an effective learning inside the four corner of a
3. Teachers should always have different strategies on how to deliver or teach the
second language so that the learners will participate always in the discussion.
4. Do not pressure the learners in difficult tasks instead we need to guide them. As a
teacher we need to act as their role model so that in every activity they do, they make
us inspiration to learn more.
5. Teachers must apply the communicative competence in teaching second language
because the capacity of a learner to understand and use language to interact effectively
in realistic social and school environments.
Mabini Street, Tagum City
Davao del Norte
Telefax: (084) 655-9591

Second Week Activities:

Let’s Check!
Activity 1
Research. Using up-the-stairs timeline graphic organizer, trace the methodical
history of language teaching. Somewhere in the line, state the reason why the language
teaching waned in popularity while another method came in.

People learn or acquire a

second language by
interacting to people who
are more proficient than us
It is based on the assumption
in speaking the language.
that we learn a second language
not by deliberately learning it or
repeating their concepts over
and over again, but simply by
recognizing and processing
second language messages. Interactionist Approach

Has been correlated with

the belief that we learn a Natural Approach
language by imitating and
repeating a series of
patterns until they are
established in our memory. Audio-lingual Method
Offers each student a lot of
hours of practice in
Behaviorism listening to, imitating, and
repeating a wide range of
key structures in the
Grammar-Translation second language.
Teach students how to
read and write in a
second language and help
them speak the language
in everyday situations.
Mabini Street, Tagum City
Davao del Norte
Telefax: (084) 655-9591

Let’s Analyze!
Answer the following questions elaborately.
1. How the four essential ESL approaches differ from one another?

 The four essential ESL approaches differ from one another because Grammar-
Translation Method is to teach students how to read and write in a second
language and help them speak the language in everyday situations. The Audio-
lingual approach is to offer each student a lot of hours of practice in listening to,
imitating, and repeating a wide range of key structures in the second language.
The Natural Approach is based on the assumption that we learn a second
language not by deliberately learning it or repeating their concepts over and over
again, but simply by recognizing and processing second language messages,
while the Interactionist Approach is the people learn or acquire a second
language by interacting to people who are more proficient than us in speaking
the language. Since conversational interaction is the key to language learning,
the teacher should provide students with several opportunities to communicate
with one another and with the teacher in the classroom. Therefore group work,
pair work, and task-based learning play important roles in the interactionist

2. Within the four essential ESL approaches, which approach is the best for you?

 In the four essential ESL approaches the best approach for me is the
interactionist approach because you can gain more knowledge and ideas by
interacting to other people. It may help you to learn more because by interacting
to other you already speaking the language which helps you to acquire second

3. What are the limitations of Grammar-translation Method and Audioligualism?

 Grammar-translation method focuses only on reading and writing which it limits

the interaction to other learners. This approach is not effective for other learners
who are not into reading and writing. They can’t communicate using second
language because they are not capable in reading and writing. While
Audiogualism limits only on listening, imitating, and repeating patterns in second
language which it limits the learnings of a students though they have given a lot
of time to practice but their knowledge are not enogh to comprehend others
second language.
Mabini Street, Tagum City
Davao del Norte
Telefax: (084) 655-9591

In a Nutshell
Activity 1.
Based from the items that you have learned and the learning exercises that you
have done above, please feel free to write your lessons learned below.
1. In this lesson, I learned that each student has different ways on how they acquire the
second language.
2. Second language has a big role in communication. It helps lot of learners to gain
more knowledge.
3. The four essential ESL can be acquire it depends on the capability of a leaner.
4. Those four approaches help also the teachers because it can be their guide on how
they will teach their students on the second language base on the needs of the student.
5. In this lesson, I learned a lot. It gives me more knowledge and ideas about the
different approaches and also this learnings that I learned on this topic may help me to
the future.

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