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Significance of the study:

The purpose of this research paper is to examine the impact of study environments on students'
productivity. Specifically, this study seeks to determine whether students who have access to the right
study environment exhibit higher levels of productivity than those who do not. Understanding the
impact of the study environment on productivity is significant for a couple reasons.

Firstly, understanding the impact of the study environment on productivity can help students take
control of their own learning experiences. Students who understand the importance of a conducive
study environment can create a suitable study space for themselves, which can lead to better academic

And second, this study can also contribute to the wider body of research on productivity and learning.
By exploring the relationship between study environments and productivity, this study can help to
identify additional factors that contribute to academic success.

TABLE 1.1: Age


12 2 5%
13 11 27%
14 4 9%
15 11 27%
16 11 27%
17 2 5%
TOTAL 41 100%

Table 1.1: Age of respondents shows that there are 5% (2 students) who are 12 years old, 27% (11
students) who are 13 years old, 9% (4 students) who are 14 years old, 27% (11 students) who are 15
years old, 27% (11 students) who are 16 years old, and 5% (2 students) who are 17 years old that
answered the survey questionnaire.
TABLE 1.2: Sex


Female 26 63%
Male 15 37%
TOTAL 41 100%

Table 1.2: Sex of respondents shows that there are 63% (26 students) who are female and 37% (15
students) who are male that answered the survey questionnaire.

TABLE 1.3: Grade Level


7 13 32%
8 3 7%
9 7 17%
10 18 44%
TOTAL 41 100%

Table 1.3: Grade level of respondents shows that there are 32% (13 students) who are in seventh grade,
7% (3 students) who are in eighth grade, 17% (7 students) who are ninth grade, and 44% (18 students)
who are in tenth grade that answered the survey questionnaire.

TABLE 1.4: Student’s Designated Study Area

Do you have a designated FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE

study area?
Yes 34 83%
No 7 17%
TOTAL 41 100%

Table 1.4: Student’s Designated study area shows that there are 83% (34 students) who answered yes to
having a designated study area and 17% (7 students) who answered no to having a designated study
TABLE 1.5: Cleanliness of Study Area

How often do you keep that FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE

area clean?
Always 15 37%
Sometimes 25 61%
Never 1 2%
TOTAL 41 100%

Table 1.5: Cleanliness of study area shows that there are 37% (15 students) who always keep their study
area clean, 61% (25 students) who sometimes keep their study area clean, and 2% (1 student) who
never keeps their study area clean.

TABLE 1.6: How Often Do Students Study

How often do you study? FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE

Always 3 7%
Sometimes 37 91%
Never 1 2%
TOTAL 41 100%

Table 1.6: How often do students study shows that there are 7% (3 students) who always study, 91% (37
students) who sometimes study, and 2% (1 student) who never studies.

TABLE 1.7: Perception of Students

SQ1: How the Environment Affects Productivity Weighted Means Verbal

1.1) I feel most productive in a quiet space. 3.48 Strongly Agree
1.2) I feel most productive when I'm doing work in my own 3.43 Strongly Agree
1.3) I feel most productive in a room with air conditioning. 3.51 Strongly Agree
1.4) I feel most productive at night. 3.07 Agree
1.5) I feel most productive studying alone. 3.29 Strongly Agree
Area Mean 3.35 Strongly Agree
Table 1.7 shows the perception of students on how their environment affects their productivity. The
highest indicator is “I feel most productive in a room with air conditioning” with a weighted mean of
3.51 and interpreted as Strongly Agree. While the lowest is “I feel most productive at night” with a
weighted mean of 3.07 and interpreted as Agree.
TABLE 1.8: Perception of Students

SQ2: What Motivates Studying Weighted Means Verbal

2.2) I feel motivated knowing I will give myself a reward 2.92 Agree
after studying.
2.2) I feel motivated when my area is clean. 3.43 Strongly Agree
2.3) I feel motivated after taking a short break. 3.09 Agree
2.4) I feel motivated when I have snacks. 3.19 Agree
2.5) I feel motivated when there is someone to assist me in 2.68 Agree
Area Mean 3.06 Agree
Table 1.8 shows the perception of students on what motivates them to study. The highest indicator is “I
feel motivated when my area is clean” with a weighted mean of 3.43 and interpreted as Strongly Agree.
While the lowest is “I feel motivated when there is someone to assist me in studying” with a weighted
mean of 2.68 and interpreted as Agree.

TABLE 1.9: Perception of Students

SQ3: Things To Be Done For Increased Productivity Weighted Means Verbal

3.2) I need to have my own study area. 3.56 Strongly Agree
3.2) I need to listen to music. 3.34 Strongly Agree
3.3) I need to have a study buddy. 2.34 Disagree
3.4) I need to get rid of distractions such as my phone and 2.90 Agree
other electronic gadgets.
3.5) I need to create a time schedule for myself. 3.19 Agree
Area Mean 3.06 Agree
Table 1.9 shows the perception of students on things to be done for increased productivity. The highest
indicator is “I need to have my own study area” with a weighted mean of 3.56 and interpreted as
Strongly Agree. While the lowest is “I need to have a study buddy” with a weighted mean of 2.34 and
interpreted as disagree.

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