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Jeayan Krisj

FFP1 - Q

Your name is a word used to represent you. Your name is the first thing that is truly
yours and helps differentiate you from other people. From our childhood, they are
literally the first sound we have ever heard. Knowing the story behind my name gave me
insights and understanding of who I really am. I was able to love it even more as I get to
know how unusual my name is made and the special person who gave it to me. They are
so important because they are personal, they are identifiers, they are unlike any other.
My name helped mend my relationships, they are eccentric, they signify personality,
character, integrity, and self-identity. It may only be a word but it is held so much great
power and confidence. And lastly, they are so important that they are what make us who
we are today.
We all have different stories in life and the history of my name does not affect me as
much as an individual since it somehow matches my personality. I get to know that my
name came from an Indian female God which means divine. I may bear the name of a
god, but it does not mean that I am immortal, that I should be the one at the top and
superior to other people. My name is not the one who is going to decide the decisions in
my life. My name will not choose what my future is going to be because it is my
behavior, conduct and deeds are the ones that will determine it. My name would not do
as much anything in my life but it does not mean that I do not treasure it, I take pride in
having such a beautiful name because it is a life long label to us.
Your name does not define who you are as a person. After listening to their stories, I
realized that you show your uniqueness with your thoughts, words, and actions. These
days, individuals are so caught up in what others are going to consider them, they
overlook that being yourself is the thing that makes you special and pushes you ahead,
making you peculiar to others. Individuals are going to see you and value you for who
you are not by how ordinary your name is.

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