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Angelica F.

Dela Cruz

Assignment #5:


JOHN 11: 1-45

1. LECTIO (What does the text say that everyone should understand?)

The text says that the Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian Life. It’s the summary of our
faith and our way of thinking. The Holy Eucharist complete the Christian Initiation by Baptism and configured
more deeply to Christ by Confirmation. Its even an action of thanksgiving to God. It is a kind of way to keep the
knowledge how God sacrifice his self for his people.

2. REFLECTIO (What does this text say to me, today, and to my life?)

The text says to me today and to my life that I should always keep praying and always thank God for
every single day of my life. It reminds me that all that I have in my life is because of him. That was what the
text says to me today and to my life.

3. ORATIO (What can I say to the Lord in response to his word?)

I will response to him in the way of thanking him like I thank you for creating me and to live in this
world I thank you for all the blessings in my life and my family and I sorry for the sins that I have done in every
day life. I will always to keep in touch to you my almighty the God of all. That is what I ‘am going to response
to his word.

4. CONTEMPLATIO (What conversion of the mind, heart, and life is the Lord asking of me?)

The conversion of my mind, heart, and life that the Lord asking of me is always to be with him and give
sometimes to him. Also, pray to him and thank him with a sincerity in every single day. That was my mind,
heart, and life that the Lord asking me.

5. ACTIO (What moves me to make my life a gift for others in charity?)

Its move me to make my life a gift for others in charity by giving an simple financial and specially the
word of God that I will going to share with them. It is the moves of me to make my life a gift in way of teaching
them of the words of God and why should we always need to say thank you to him. We are all equal because we
are all son of God the reason why we should be respectful to each other by this I can make my self a gift for
others in charity.

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