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Angelica F.

Dela Cruz

Quiz #2:

1. Wages is a fixed regular payment that paid by cash or check. It is payable by an employer
to employee even its not written contract pf employment.
2. Salary is the fixed amount that compensation paid according to the employee’s
performance It’s the denotes of an higher degree of employment. While Wages is paid by
the hours that employee spent in finishing their works. It is applying to the skilled or
unskilled employee and paid at stated times.
3. According to labor code the employees needed to be paid twice a month at intervals and
not exceeding 16 days. Also, it could be at least once every two weeks.
4. Facilities are for the benefit of the employee and the family. It is a form part of the wage
that deductible. However, Supplements are for the benefit of the employer. It is an extra
remunerations or benefits that given to the employer. It is an independent wage that not
5. Wage distortion is an situation where increase a prescribed wage results. It is an
elimination of the distinction between the two groups. It is causes by government that
decreed increasing in minimum wages.
6. As I understand the BONUS it is refers to the payment that excess of regular or
guaranteed wages. Bonus is an compensation that is beyond the normal payment
expectations that the employee will get. Also, it is not considered part of wages if this is
only paid upon realization of profits.
7. Non-Diminution Benefits is referring to a reducing benefit that are given to employees. It
is cannot be unilaterally be withdrawn by the employer as they given it based on the
8. Regional Minimum Wage is the lowest basic wage rates that an employer can pay to
employees works.

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