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Chapter 2 Ihe Power_of_the Group
1.On the photos we can see an African group an Asian group and on the last
picture multicultural. I belong to the European group.
2.To be in a group is always better than be alone, you may have similar interests,
cultural values and you can find real friends in such society.
Reading and thinking about the topic
B 1. People can belong to different groups: families, friends, groups at work, at
school, and in religious settings, and societies and nations.
2. Peer pressure is pressure put on others of the same age or in the same
3. The groups we belong to may influence our opinions, interactions, and
C 1.I belong to my university group, to group of my friends, also I am a
membership of clans in comp games.
2.Peer. pressure is especially strong. Belonging to a Group during
adolescence, so parents of teenagers often worry about the influence that friends have
on their children.
3.Group, because being along is really tough for me, I need someone who I
can share my feelings or thinkings.
2 Listening for specific information
1. Rebecca would go to the wedding because of family pressure. Jim would not.
2. Both Jim and Rebecca would go to the movie with friends.
3. Rebecca would try on the shoes: Jim would not.
4. Neither Jim nor Rebecca would go away with their parents.
5. Jim would not accept the help of his parents' friends, but Rebecca would.
2 Real-Life Voices
A 1.Parents should talk about low-quality tattoo parlors and that if the
daughter is ready to get a tattoo, then let her take her guardians to the salon and then
the parents will think
2. Parents should permit. I don’t see anything scary to pierce ear.
3.In my opinion orange colour is nicer. Mother can help with coloring
daughter’s hair.
4.Before the rest you need to do your tasks and then you can play.
5.It’s not the problem, she will eat a little bit later
6.If it school time parents should decline his request.

B a. 5 b. 2 c. 3 d. I e. 6 f. 4

2 Listening for main ideas
B 2, 3, 4, 7, 8
C 1.For sure I agree with Henry’s advices cause they are useful and really
2.They appreciate him for that.
3. In particularly the same. They always support me and respect my choices.

2 Listening for specific information

A 1.a 2.b 3.b 4.a 5.a 6.b 7.b
3 Listening for tone of voice
A 1. joking 4. serious 2. serious 5. joking 3. joking

Personalizing the topic

1.No they don’t
2.No, I don’t have friend that I don’t like
3.I don’t have requirements at all
4.No, I am always trying to spend my free time with friends
5.No, the don’t
6.No, cause I don’t have problems with them
7.It depends from the situation but I think I more follow the examples
8.Mostly not, but some parents of my friend requre them to go home earlier

4 Academic Listening and Note Taking
1 Building background knowledge On the topic
B Above the water level:
• our ideas about what looks fashionable
• names of popular musicians
• the kind of food that is sold in supermarkets
Below the water level:
• ways of showing emotion
• the ways older and younger people should behave
• the amount of physical distance we leave between ourselves and others when
we have a conversation
• our ideas about what looks beautiful
• how late we can arrive at an appointment without being rude
2 Studying a syllabus
B Culture shock refers to the impact of moving from a familiar culture to one
that is unfamiliar.
C 1.In my opinion people experience it because they want to change an
environment or quit from comfort zone.
2.For me it’s like emotional roller coaster. When you don’t stability in your
3.To be honest I want to know, maybe you need to avoid stereotypes, keep an
open mind, talk about your culture and the adjustment process.

3 Organizational phrases
A a.
C 1. d 2. b 3. f 4. c 5. g 6. h 7. a 8. e

1 Guessing vocabulary from Context - Reasons for culture
shock page 35
Guessing vocabulary from Context
a. 9 b. 1 c. 4 d. 8 e. 2 f. 5 g. 3 h. 6 i. 7

Organizing your notes in outline form

Definition of culture shock = the experience many people have when they travel
to another country
II. 3 main ideas A. Reasons why people experience culture shock B. Different
stages of culture shock C. Applications of culture shock research
III. Reasons for culture shock A. one set of rules growing up - not often
articulated B. other countries - governed by other rules C. can't use your own culture
as a map I. people act irrationally 2. people feel shocked and out of control
A a. 3 f. 7 b. 9 g. 4 c. 5 h. 2 d. 1 i. 6 e. 8 page 36-37
Using a lecturer's diagrams and charts
Stage 1: Honeymoon
Emotions: euphoria, excitement, enthusiasm
Stage 2: Letdown
Emotions: loneliness, confusion
Stage 3: Resignation
Emotion: adjustment
Sharing your opinion
A 1.It’s not acceptable in my company we just hugging when we meet
2.Maybe girls can do that but for boys it is weird.
3.Why not, if you eat some street food in park and around you spectculars views
it’s awesome.
4.No one does it because it's indecent
Unit 1 Academic Vocabulary Review
A 1. acquire, acquired 2. alternative, alternatively 3. benefits, beneficial 4.
clarified, clarification, clarify 5. concentration, concentrate 6. conflict, conflicting 7.
conforming, conform 8. consequence, consequently 9. controversy, controversial 10.
cooperates, cooperative, cooperation 11. distinct, distinctions 12. emphatic,
emphasized 13. generational, generation 14. interactive, interact 15. react, reaction
2 Answering multiple-choice questions page 50
B 1. c 5. c 2. b 6. a 3. c 7. b 4. a 8. a
2 Listening for specific information page 51
A Joy Number of siblings: 2
Were children raised the same or differently?: differently
Examples: Her brother was given a lot more freedom.
He had no curfew, but Joy and her sister had to be home by 10.
Sharon --Number of siblings: 0
Were children raised the same or differently?: not applicable
Examples: Joy was encouraged to do anything she wanted. Her parents let her
play the saxophone although her grandmother thought it was a big instrument for
such a little girl.
David Number of siblings: 1
Were children raised the same or differently?: the same
Examples: Although the brothers were very different, the parents respected their
decisions. For example, his brother did not like baseball, so his parents took him off
the team.
Peter Number of siblings: l
Were children raised the same or differently?: differently
Examples: His sister needed more freedom. When she was going on a study
abroad trip, their parents asked her a lot of questions about who she would be with
and where she would be staying. That made her frustrated and angry.

2 Answering multiple-choice questions page 50

A 1.b 2.b 3.a 4.c 5.b 6.a 7.a 8.a
3 Listening for opinions page 52
A I. serious 2. amused 3. certain 5. not very strongly 7. extremely strongly 4.
extremely strongly 6. quite strongly
2 Sharing your opinion page 53
A I think some of interviewees can not support this actions for such genders. In
my opinion the fact that a man knows how to knit only makes him more attractive,
and women's football can also be interesting. If there are men's leagues, why
shouldn't there be women's leagues?
B It’s might be more women in senior roles, women will leading the way in
stem, more male carers, true workplace flexibility
1 Building background knowledge on the topic page 56
B 1. Coeducational refers to boys and girls being taught in the same classroom, as opposed
to single-sex (also called single-gender) education.
2. According to the passage, boys often get more attention from teachers and are given more
demanding academic challenges than girls in coeducational schools. In contrast, girls are
encouraged to be quiet and well behaved.

2 Sharing your point of view

A benefits of single-gender schools: there is no bias towards different genders
among teachers, more concentration in studying, not in building relationships
disadvantages: One of the downsides of single-sex schools is that it means less
socialising with the opposite sex.

3 Using symbols and abbreviations

A 1. c 6. m 11. d 2. j 7. k 12. g 3. I 8. f 13. h 4. i 9. n 14. e 5. a 10. b
1 Guessing vocabulary from context page 59
B a. 7 f. 4 b. 1 g. 5 c. 6 h. 9 d. 8 i. 3 e. 2
B 1. distractions 3. collaborative 5. respect 2. confident 4. self-esteem 6.
emotionally 7. abstract 8. support 9. clarification
2 Using your notes to make an Outline Page 62
Single-sex education has 2 main benefits for girls: I. recognizes girls' unique
A. girls can concentrate on abstract thinking 4 yrs. earlier than boys
B. girls can work for longer periods
C. girls enjoy collaborative learning activities so they Like to work in groups
D. girls are kind and cooperative
II. allows girls to become more self-confident
A. ask for help if they need it
B. if boys are around, lose self-esteem
III. Dr. F. admits that:
A. recently, girls have been doing well in school
B. all girls' schools DO separate the sexes
C. BUT, she thinks in an all girls' school, girls can become more confident and
make positive changes

Home task 3
Reading actively page 31
a. 6 b. 8 c. 4 d. 7 e. 2 f. 4
Understanding key terms
Term Explanation Examples
Values shared ideas about what humility
is good & right
Norms social rules for behaviour kissing
Folk-ways weak norms “excuse me”
Mores strong norms parents care for
Laws norms enforced by gov’t improper care
3 Expanded definitions
B Possible answers:
• Values are shared ideas about what is good and right.
• Norms are social rules for behavior.
• Folkways are weak norms.
• Mores are strong norms.
• Laws are norms that the government enforces.
• Crimes are violations of laws.
4 Collocations
abnormal, moral
B 1. success 6. behaviour 2. courtesy 7. force 3. penalty 8. penalty 4. laws 9.
consequences 5. norms
Personalizing the topic
A 1. I liked the causal style so I have many t-shirts, jackets and trousers
2. I loved electronic dance music and rap
3. In music Avicii, Marshmallow, Calvin Harris, I really liked football so my
favourite football player was Cristiano Ronaldo.
4.I was playing fortnite a lot and hang out with my friends
5.I don’t know, they always support me, maybe I was sitting too long in computer but
my grades at school were good.
Academic vocabulary in use
2.1 1.issues 2.topics 3.theory 4.model 5.model 6.principle
2.2 A7, B6, C5, D2, E3, F8, G1, H4
2.3 1.The study revealed a regular scope of your research
2.The research focuses on one particular approach to their theme
3.The writer makes a powerful case for restructuring parliament
4.The writers take an original issues facing the world today
5.Until recently there was little awareness of the problem
6.i think you should broaden the aspect of modern society
7.To date, there has been little research into the environmental effects of nanoparties
8.There are many important pattern of changes in temperature
Home task 5
Reading Writing
1 Reviewing for a test Page 37 A
1. social skills, values of friendship among equals, to be independent from adult
2. No, adolescence itself is a relatively new concept; at one time teenagers were
expected to work and help their families. Adolescent rebellion is not universal and is
partly cultural. In some cultures teenagers depend less on their peer groups and may
not seek independence from their families.
3. financial, educational, or career matters
4. social activities
5. pressure from members of the group to do things they know are wrong or
dangerous; conformity may result in ingroups and outgroups; sometimes those in
outgroups are subject to bullying
2 Synonyms Pages
A 1. concept 6. seek 2. fundamental 7. financial 3. distinct 8. relying 4. achievement 9. exclude 5.
inclined to 1O. decline
B 1. a 2. b 3. b 4. b 5. b 6. b. 7. a 8. b 9. b 1O. a
3 Describing differences
Teenagers differ from adults in the way they handle finances. Teenagers are likely
to spend all their money as soon as they receive it whereas most adults try to save
some of their money for future expenses. There is also a difference in what adults
and adolescents spend their money on. Whereas older people are more likely to
spend their money on the things they need - clothes, food, housing - young people
tend to spend it on the things they want - music, movies, going out.
Academic voc in use unit 3
3.1 identify-distinguish, affect-influence, attempt-try, calculate-compute, challenge-
question, demonstrate-show, include-involve, investigate-study, provide-give
3.2 1.demonstrate, 2.affected 3.calculate 4.include 6.investigate
7.identify 8.demonstrate
3.3 1.Erikson’s theory provide the explanation
2. Bevan exploration of the relationship between family background…
3.This book is a description of the life and times of Abraham Lincoln
3.4 1.investigation 2.illustration 3.analysis 4.effect 5.try 6.class.
Home task 7
4.1 1.inaccurate
4.2 apparent cause, potential problem, rigorous methodology, principal discrepancy
4.3 4.potential problem 3.rigorous methodology 2.principal discrepancy, 1.apparent
4.4 1.specific 2.qualitative 3.potential 4.rigorous 5.complex

Home task 12
1 Examining graphics
A 1.True
B 1. Academic achievement is the current level of a student's learning .
2.this topic will discuss about academic achievements of the different genders.
C 1.T 2.F 3.F 4.T
1 Reading for main ideas
A a. 5 b. 1 C. 3 d. 4 e. 6 f. 2
C Historically, there has been a gender bias in schools. Even after boys and girls
began to take the same classes, boys enjoyed advantages. Biological difference
cannot explain the gap in achievement between boys and girls, so scholars are
looking for other explanations. The gender gap in achievement is getting smaller.
There are several possible explanations for why girls are beginning to do better than
boys in school. Today educators are becoming more concerned about boys' academic
C Historically, boys have performed better academically, but that gap has begun to
There are many factors that contribute to achievement gaps, including gender bias in
the classroom, peer pressure, and self-esteem.
Academic vocabulary in use
5.2 1. essentially
2.put it simply, basically
3.precisely, possibly
5.3 1.precisely
7.hardly ever
5.4 1.similarly

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