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Communication sounds so simple, someone talks to send a message, and

another person listens to receive that message. However, their are several

communications blocks that can make this process more difficult. Personally, I

several “blocks” that show up in my conversations. For starters, I can get

pre-occupied while somebody is talking. This is really harmful to my interactions

because it makes the person talking to me feel dismissed and furthermore I

never understand what they were trying to say. To overcome this, I am going to

constantly remind myself to stay focused, and ask myself questions about

the conversation to make sure I understand their message. Another

communication block that I struggle with is Charisma. Sometimes, if I feel

intimidated by someone, or feel lesser than them, I don’t bother thinking

through what they say. I am more prone to just accept it because the

presentation of their idea looked good to me. To overcome this, I am going to ask

myself “Did that make sense” so I can continue my critical thinking even if the

person has a lot of charisma. Continuing on, past experiences are a

communication block I struggle with. If some invites me to a event I haven’t

enjoyed in the past, I often just stop listening at that point. In the future, my goal

is to keep listening when I get that urge to tune out, and gather all the information

before I make up my mind.

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