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1. Introduction
a. Hook sentence/topic sentence:
b. Statement of the problem:
c. Statement of the solution:
d. Transition sentence:
2. Body
a. Bad solution:
i. Signposting/topic sentence:
ii. Two examples of bad solutions.
iii. Transition sentence
b. Good solution
i. Signposting/topic sentence:
ii. My solution:
1. Reason 1
2. Reason 2
3. Reason 3
c. Transition sentence
3. Conclusion
a. Signposting/topic sentence:
b. Review:
c. Recommendation


1. Introduction
a. Hook sentence/topic sentence: Are you ready for conscription?
b. Statement of the problem: Young men and women are wasting their youth dying
overseas. Who should fight in wars?
c. Statement of the solution: Conscription should be eliminated.
d. Transition sentence: Now that the topic has been introduced, the next section
deals with incorrect reasons for the enforcement of conscription.
2. Body
a. Bad solution:
i. Signposting/topic sentence: People often give two arguments for
ii. Two examples of bad solutions:
1. It is one’s duty to their country to serve in the military.
2. It is honorable to die in wars of conquest.
iii. Transition sentence: So far this paper has focused on bad solutions. The
following section will discuss a proposed solution for ending conscription.
b. Good solution
i. Signposting/topic sentence: What follows is a proposal to bad
conscription forever.
ii. My solution:
1. Reason 1: It goes against freedom of choice.
2. Reason 2: It violates many religious traditions.
3. Reason 3: Conscription misconstrues what it means to be a
patriot. Someone can love their country by fighting against war.
c. Transition sentence: Thus, conscription should be abolished.
3. Conclusion
a. Signposting/topic sentence: In summary, . . .
b. Review: While many people argue that conscription is good because it is one’s
duty to serve their country and an honor to die in battles overseas, this is
mistaken. Conscription violates freedom of choice, freedom of religion, and is a
misunderstanding of what it means to love one’s country.
c. Recommendation: Therefore, conscription should be abolished.

Short Example

Are you ready for conscription? Young men and women are wasting their youth dying overseas.
But there remains a problem, namely, “Who should fight in wars?” While many believe that
conscription is the answer, this essay argues that, in fact, conscription should be abolished.

People often give two arguments for conscription. Firstly, that it is one’s duty to their country to
serve in the military. Secondly, that it is honorable to die in wars of conquest. However, the next
section shows why this is mistaken.

What follows is a proposal to ban conscription forever. There are three main reasons. Firstly, It
goes against freedom of choice. Secondly, it violates many religious traditions. And finally,
conscription misconstrues what it means to be a patriot. Someone can love their country by
fighting against war. Thus, conscription should be abolished.

In summary, while many people argue that conscription is good because it is one’s duty to serve
their country and an honor to die in battles overseas, this is mistaken. Conscription violates
freedom of choice, freedom of religion, and is a misunderstanding of what it means to love one’s
country. Therefore, conscription should be abolished.

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