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We always think twice before doing such things.


As a Filipino our value of being prudent is highly obvious. Majority of us think before doing such
thing. We are careful in order to minimize mistakes and so we’re futuristic to things that might happen if
we do a single thing. Another is that we always think not just our self but also to the resources around
us, our economy and so our frugality. Most of the time we Filipino go with what is real. We always
follow the common integral parts of being prudence.


There’s a lot of things that always end up bad because of our values. Like for example the
manana habit, we always end up being late in submitting projects, reports and the likes because of this
value. We don’t think for consequences before doing such things. But a days, time and years go by, we
slowly applying the value of prudence in order to eradicate unwanted failures. The negative
consequences drive us to make our work and task more careful and precise to do.


As a whole, Filipino values do evolve and change, some are for better some are for worst. It’s
already up to you in to where and what to choose, as long as you’re happy do it. But always put in your
mind the value of prudence. Always think twice, always be careful because you don’t know the
consequences of things you doing.

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