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Name : Muhammad Naufal Kurniawan

NIM : 2201421074

Origin Of Humans On Earth

In this modern era, many discoveries, scientific advancements, and theories are being developed by
both domestic and foreign scientists. One such discovery pertains to the origin of humans on Earth.
This discovery is still heavily debated by experts and religions. Many scientists support the theory of
evolution, which states that living beings, including humans, originated from simple creatures and
evolved to become humans today. This is supported by scientific discoveries such as fossils of species
such as Pitheccanthropus and Meghanthropus.

On the other hand, many religious experts opposed the idea of human evolution. This belief is based
on information found in holy books, which state that Adam was the first human. It is crucial to
understand the true origins of humans.

According to various religious views, the Islamic view is the first to explain human origin. Humans are
believed to be perfect creatures created by the Allah SWT. The perfection possessed by humans is a
consequence of their functions and duties as caliphs. The Quran states emphatically that humans
were created from soil, with various terms such as dust (Surah Ali Imran: 59), dry soil and black mud
(Surah Al-Hijr: 28), clay (Surah Ashshafat: 11), the essence of the soil (Surah Al-shad: 71), and so on.
During the creation of Adam, Allah said, "Be, then it will be" (Surah Ali Imran:59).

In Hinduism, Bhagawan Anggastya Prana teaches the concept of birth. Initially, humans were created
through a process of birth; Sthiti means life, and in life, humans who have been created are certainly
nurtured so that they become worthy beings. Pralina, which means death, and these three elements
are the balance of Tri Murti, namely God Brahma, God Vishnu, and Lord Shiva.

In Christianity, explained the origin of man. That the first human being Adam was created directly by
God from the dust of the ground and the breath of life. “Allah God formed the man from the dust of
the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; Thus man becomes a living being.
(Genesis 2:7). Adam's first human qualities when God created God in the Bible explain: "So God
created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him." (Genesis 1:27). When humans
are created, God creates them directly and completely. Allah did not create lower creatures. On the
other hand, the physical and spiritual nature of humans was created by God. The Bible says clearly
that humans are God's precious creatures, by creation in the image and likeness of God, crowned
with glory and honor (Gen.1:26-27; Mat.10:28-31; Ps.8:5-7) .

However, this contradicts the scientific view of the human origin. The first theory that can be
recognized is the theory of biogenesis or spontaneous generation, which arose from Aristotle (384-
322M). According to this theory, all living things arise continuously from non-living matter. However,
this theory is doubted by Lazardo Spanlazani, Frencesco Redi (from Italy), and Louise Pasteur (from
France), who managed to prove that living things do not come from dead matter. Since then, a new
theory has emerged that states that all living things come from those that lived before (omne vivum
ex vivo).

Charles Darwin's theory of evolution appeared in 1860. In essence, it is only a continuation of the
theory of "omne vivum ex vivo". Charles Robert Darwin said that humans, animals and plants were
the result of the evolution of very simple living things on earth, which slowly underwent a process of
decline with modifications that eventually developed into species of organisms on Earth. And
specifically for humans, according to Darwin, humans come from animals that are more advanced
than other animals or species.

Natural selection is the basis of Darwin's theory, which can produce large changes in organisms over
time and even produce new species at certain times. Darwin also said that all organisms, including all
existing and ever-existing plants and animals, developed from some or even one very simple form
through a process of descent with modification through natural selection.

We are taught in schools that humans come from the ape revolution taken from Darwin's theory.
Even so, there is still confusion in the theory as well as in the theories that have been explained.
Thus, according to the theory above, there is a contradiction between one theory and another, and
between the theory of religion and science. There are also differences in religious theory. It is up to
us who wants to believe which one.

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