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1. Why death is said to be inevitable?

Whoever is born will have to die. Some people will die sooner and some people
will die later, but death is inevitable.

2. Explain why it is said to be that "death is an exquisite teacher"

Death reached us the minute we were born, and every moment of our lives is on
our side. Our challenge is to find out how to deal with it, because fighting against or
rejecting truth is never a good idea. The more we fight against death, the more bitterness
we have, the more pain we suffer. We can't stop death, but we can change how we react
to it. We should take death as a teacher and see what we can learn from it.

3. How are you going to live a meaningful life?

I’m going to live a meaningful life by appreciating things and people that are
important to me. I’m also going to pursue my passion and do the things I want to do
without causing trouble to other people.

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