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Colegio Campoalto

2do “FCE”
A news article
Pupil: Santiago Aquino.
Teacher: James Blocksom.
Date: April 26th 2021.

Rescuers find survivors under rubble 18 days after devastating earthquake.

Tower C from the “Wall-trade-center” has suffered a devastating earthquake where it's
thought to be almost 50 deaths, report says. On a normal April 26th this 2021, there has
been shaking caught, causing a almost 7.6 earthquake, there it’s thought to be many deaths
but many coming from the Tower C from the Wall-trade-center.

The earthquake began at around 8:48 AM on a normal Wednesday, there were no

earthquake alerts previous to this date so this was totally unprepared for. What shook up
most of the people that had to outlive this horrible tragedy was the devastating collapse
that the well-known Tower C from the Wall-trade-center suffered, there aren't any other
reports of any other building collapses but this one. The local police of Asunción asked it’s
citizens to remain calm as they try to deal with the current situation

Days after the earthquake took place police endeavored to search for any remaining
survivors, what’s totally surprising though is that police were able to rescue some people
stuck under the rubble 18 days after, the latter due to the debris which kept them from
being able to fully survey into the now fallen building. These survivors are thought to be
seriously injured but alive, later reports conveyed that they were hurried to the E.R and are
now under intensive care.

The director of the Wall-trade-center buildings has now spoken out about the situation and
it’s assuring himself that his remaining buildings are equipped and prepared for future
disasters such as this one. Citizens are urging the government to look into these other
buildings due to the wave of unsafety that washed over them. Experts are now making sure
to install a program which could prevent or give previous signals before big disasters as

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