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Task 4: Let’s talk and share.

Speaking Task
Curso Inglés A2

Juan Sebastian Sandoval Jurado

Código: 1007536371



Tutor: Yuli Andrea Torres

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia


10 de Noviembre Del 2022

Task 4: Let’s talk and share. Speaking Task

Step 1: Schedule a practice meeting with your tutor. Use the feedback provided by your tutor
during the practice session to give a structured speech during your video recording.

The tutor will feedback your participation during the practice session not in the forum.

Look an example for the schedule – Click here

Step 2: The modules for this task are: Modules 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9.

After you study the suggested modules, select and complete one of the speaking or listening
comprehension exercises. Share the screenshot directly on the forum. Make sure not to
choose an exercise previously selected by another course mate:

Step 3: The Video

In this stage you must...

 Briefly introduce yourself, answer at least seven of these questions:

good morning my name is Sebastian Sandoval, I am 20 years old and i live in the municipality
of Malaga Santander in my spare time, I like to go for walks in the fresh air and go to the farm
on my last vacation I was in Cesar accompanying an uncle who had a motorcycle accident, I am
living with my younger brother, my mother and my grandmother, I have been studying for a year
and a half Systems Engineering

 You are going to imagine, you are in UNADChef. You are going to record in a video a
recipe of your own.

We are going to prepare a delicious mute de mazorca for that we need the following ingredients:

 cob
 black potato
 yellow potato
 callus
 scare away
 scallion
 cilantro
 avocado
 Carrot
 Etc...

Step 1 / 13

Wash and leave the callus and beef leg in water with vinegar for 15 minutes. After this time,
wash very well with water and cook with a little salt.

Step 2 / 13

Chop the meat into pieces and add to the pressure cooker with the tripe and the beef shank.
Once the pot begins to beep, leave for 20 minutes.

Step 3 / 13

Wash and dice the carrot, the ahuyama, the arracacha, the criolla potato, the black potato.

Step 4 / 13

Put the chickpeas, beans and peas to cook in separate pots with a little salt.

Step 5 / 13

Remove the fat from the broth that has the meats.

Step 6 / 13

Add all the precooked ingredients in a large pot with water, bring to a boil and when it is at this
point add the black potato. Then add the arracacha and cook for a few minutes.

Step 7 / 13

Meanwhile make the stew with the onion, tomato and garlic.

Step 8 / 13

Add the cooked chickpeas to the mixture, stir and 15 minutes before the black potato softens,
add the mute corn and the criolla potato.

Step 9 / 13

Lightly fry the stew in a pan with a little oil and add the seasoning you want.

Step 10 / 13
Chop the coriander.
Step 11 / 13

Add the meat when it is well cooked or soft so that all the flavors begin to concentrate together
with the macaroni.

Step 12 / 13

Add the stew and chop the guasca to add to the pot.

Step 13 / 13

Approximately 15 minutes before serving add the cilantro, cover the pot and once all the flavors
are concentrated, serve.

Step 4: Self-assessment: reflection and personal growth

Esta etapa está orientada a su reflexión y crecimiento personal aquí usted debe realizar una
autoevaluación dando respuesta en español a los siguientes interrogantes:

¿Estudié y realice las prácticas de todo el contenido Del e-Book de la unidad 2?

RTA: // No realice las practicas Del e-Book de la unidad 2

¿Agendé la sesión de practica en los tiempos indicados?

RTA: // No realice la agenda de practica

¿Me presenté en la sesión de práctica en el día seleccionado?

RTA: // No presente porque no hice la agenda

¿Preparé y dediqué suficiente tiempo para realizar una buena presentación oral en el video?
RTA: // No prepare Ni deique tiempo para realizer el video porque no me parece que para
aprender debamos estar hacienda videos hacienda cosas que me parecen incomodas en
diferentes sentidos

Después de esta actividad, ¿Me siento más seguro de expresarme Oralmente en inglés?
¿Cómo aporta este aprendizaje a mi vida personal y profesional?
RTA: // no me siento seguro en hablar en public o hacienda UN video expresando el no me
gusta hablar en ingles.

Califique el trabajo realizado en esta etapa 1 a 10 puntos. En caso de que usted no realice la
autoevaluación y/o no responda a las preguntas de reflexión, su calificación será cero (0.0).
RTA: // mi calificacion es de 4

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