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Survey data is vital since it adds more sentiment, color, and context to any research study

or evaluation of particular activities such as offenses. A survey can answer the concerns about

why I conduct a given action, how I feel, and what I want from an investigation. This

circumstantial data offers in-depth insights that can assist in driving advanced decision-making.

It also provides an important advantage to institutions with this data in the currently dynamic

society (Cleave, 2019). For example, a survey can assist in determining the causes of traffic

offenses, risk factors, and strategies for resolving such offenses. A survey offers an opportunity

for capturing general unbiased data from all affected people and results in all-rounded outcomes

aimed at resolving the offenses.

Innovating new strategies for controlling crime in a given locality is challenging. It is

unfavorable to launch a community program without understanding how the community and

people feel about it. Perhaps the new programs could be useful to the community, but they might

end up being disappointed (Cleave, 2019). Therefore, a survey ensures that I gather valuable

information from the community and people before implementing a particular program. It assists

in implementing an appropriate program that minimizes crime and is supported by the people.

People’s feedback about the program can assist in making improvements and implementing the

project in different places and settings.

A survey also provides a chance for understanding the target market and people in need

of a particular initiative. It will allow me to market and serve people well after understanding

their needs (Cleave, 2019). Besides, a survey will create a rapport that enhances service delivery

and communication among stakeholders. For example, the justice process is sometimes tiresome

due to the large backlog of cases. The process of creating new courts and hiring additional

employees depends on the needs and gaps in the community. Therefore, a survey provides an

opportunity of allocating adequate resources to the people in need. It also ensures the economic

use of available resources while serving people.



Cleave, P. (2019). Why Surveys are Ideal for Supporting Data-Driven Decision Making.


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