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Balbastro, Jenny Rose R.


1. How was the war depicted in the eyes of a child as shown in the town of Aleppo, Syria?
- Children are very sensitive to a point that we should not let them see and witness the things
that they are not yet ready to observe. Situations that are not suitable for them and even to
adults. The disrupted war that happened in the town of Aleppo was depicted as terrifying,
horrible, traumatic and just like a darkest nightmare in the eyes of a Bana Alabed. She was
too young to experience those situations. At an early age she woke up and already witnessed
how chaotic the world is. Hearing the sounds of explosions, unwanted noises, sounds of
unending war was a traumatizing situation to her that even as she grows older she will never
forget it. At the early age of 7 a child who was supposed to be in a playground, socializing
with other people, early experienced war including bombing. It was not just a simple thing or
a joke it affected the mental and even the physical aspect of Bana and even the other
children in Aleppo Syria during that time.

2. How were the interplay of Globalization through technology and the horrors of war depicted in
the case? How vital was this correlation?
- Having an upside of Globalization is very important as it helps us to connect worldwide. We
can be able to communicate with other people, especially with other countries. We provide
them the things that they need and vice versa. Because of globalization as a process we
have lots of innovative technologies. It is now easy for us to communicate and link to one
another. In the war that happened in Aleppo, the correlation of globalization and technology
played a vital role as it provided the people with information about the situation. If there is no
globalization, there is no innovative technology being invented or shared and if that happens
people cannot access media and reach other people. Bana cannot be able to post on twitter,
update people of the situation they are experiencing and call for help if there is no
globalization and technology being corelated. With the use of technology, and media sites
like twitter, Bana reached out a thousands of followers which helped her to spread the
information. In a corner which they were being trapped to hide and keep themselves safe
from bombing, twitter was her escape from the horrific and chaotic reality. She told her story,
her experiences and life to people during war.

3. How did Globalization, through social media awaken and move people from around the world to
the harsh conditions of the people in Syria?
- There is nothing impossible with technology and social media. One click might spread
worldwide. Globalization serves as the bridge and connector between people and Bana.
Through social media platforms like twitter, awaken people from the situation that Aleppo,
Syria had experienced. Through the tweets being released or posted by Bana and her mother,
a large number of people saw it and shared it until its spread. People outside Syria were
informed and shocked about the war. Many pictures and videos arose about the condition of
the said town and even the families, children and all the citizens live there. There are lots who
were injured, homeless, and got killed and died. Bana posted tweets about their experiences,
there was a part in which she said that she just distracted herself by writing to lessen the
fear and the sounds that she heard from the outside. It was quite a touching and sad
experience. Imagine a 7 year old girl already knew how to solve and lessen the burden that
she felt. It was kind of a touching life story. People cannot imagine that a child was posting
tweets about her experiences and sufferings. That is why it spread worldwide and many
people were shocked and wanted to send their help.

4. If the same technology brought by Globalization was available during the height of World War 1
and World War 2, what could have happened or could have transpired during that time?
- I believe sometimes the causes of war are superiority, greediness, and poor communication.
A good relationship between nations or even between two people always starts with good
communication. Therefore, if there was the same technology brought by globalization being
released or available during the height of World War 1 and 2, there would be no large number
of people who died and sacrificed their lives. People that time can easily communicate with
others. They can disseminate information easily worldwide. Maybe the war had been
stopped as early as possible so that there was no World War 2 happened.

5. Consider the war in Marawi, if you were trapped in the midst of the war and armed with mobile
phone with a battery almost dying out, create a tweet or FB Post that you would like to tell the
world at that moment and explain your reason.
- If i was trapped during the time of war in Marawi with a phone with a battery that almost
dying, I would create a tweet or fb post saying, "I honored mylife for surviving and being
brave even i trapped in a war, whatever happens, if someone can reach and help me or not,
I'm still thankful for having the courage to inform you guys, I love you, especially my
family." This message is to inform them that I am being trapped so that if there are people
who can help me, they will help me. Also, the phrase saying whatever happens if someone
can reach and help me or not , i'm still thankful for having the courage to inform you guys
means that, There is a critical chance of living. I might survive or I might die. I already
informed them, especially my family, how much I love them. I'm not making them sad about
maybe i cannot survive but im giving them the assurance that i have just only a little chance
to live. However, I just want to give determination to everyone who can read my post. This
message will teach them to be brave and be determined. Even if you are trapped and there is
no chance of living, do not stop from losing hope instead, think of a way and if there is still no
chance accept it, honor your life for not giving up.

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