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BA252 4C









SUBMISSION: 16 July 2022



2.0 WORKSHOP 1 2
2.1.1 Empathy Map 2
2.1.2 Profiling of User Persona 4
2.2 DEFINE 7
2.2.1 User Problem (5W 1H) 7
2.2.2 Fishbone Diagram to identify categories and cause 9

3.0 WORKSHOP 2 13
3.1 IDEATE 13
3.1.1 SCAMPER Diagram 13
3.1.2 QADIM Technique 16
3.2.1 Simulation 18


In the development of a specific product or application, there are stages and steps that
need to be done before producing the final output. It includes problems identification, analysis,
brainstorming ideas, proposed relevant solutions, developing prototype and customer feedback.
These steps are really necessary in order to develop a strong competitive advantage.

For this project, the main problem is the increase of obesity among youth. A UNICEF
survey found that 12.7% of Malaysian children between the ages of five and 19 are fat, ranking
Malaysia behind Brunei as the second-highest obesity rate in Southeast Asia. We decided to
brainstorm Ideas and proposed solutions on how to reduce obesity among youth and develop a
better lifestyle for the users. We do put several goals and objectives to achieve in developing
this app. Problem solution is the main goal which is to improve user lifestyle and also we need
to achieve maximum customer satisfaction.

In understanding the basis of our application, we have several user persona that we
choose to be a guideline in developing this app. They have different points of view on why they
are facing the problem. It helps us to understand the problem deeper and in more detail in order
to move to the next step which is brainstorming the idea and proposing a solution. Study and
analysis of existing fitness-based apps is conducted in order to develop a new era of fitness
applications that provide complete features for a healthy lifestyle.

As a result, we present you a game changer of fitness-based apps that will be your
personal friend, helper, coach and dietician named “HealthD”. It is your daily diary that will keep
your memory and plan your future body!

2.1.1 Empathy Map

Empathy map is one of the tools for understanding users. With this map it is easy to
understand the information about the users’ feelings. This map is to understand the user that is
suffering from obesity among youth and to develop an effective solution. This empathy map to
make society understand and encourage them to think about the problems from the users’ point
of view. The mapping method can help to summarize research results and to provide better
understanding of user needs.

Our HD workout application is referring to this empathy map where they provide
solutions based on the problems. The first point is what users see, users see people are
laughing at them and people always giving weird looks at them.

Next, how users think and feel. They feel insecure and uncomfortable around people.
They are stressed and struggling to be fit and they think it hard for them to stay fit. They also
feel anxious about their appearance.

From what users hear. Obesity people receive judgmental comments like 'You eat a lot'
‘What did you eat everyday? 'You should eat less' and also 'You should start doing exercises'
even society actually would never know how struggle the user tries to control their diet and
losing weight.

Other than that, is what users say and do. Users say, 'I am ugly' 'I should just stay at
home' 'What do people think about me?' 'I am sorry for being fat'. They always blame
themselves of being obese and not look attractive.

The pains they get are anxiety, embarrassment, frustration, insecure and medical
problems. Finally, they want to gain healthy lifestyles, need encouragement and support and
they want to be more appreciated by everyone.

2.1.2 Profiling of User Persona

A healthy lifestyle is necessary for our body and health, however, not everyone can have
it because of several factors and problems they are facing. Most of our user persona stated that
they are overweight and one of them is obesity. Moreover, it is even more worrying that they
have unhealthy lifestyles and have no time to work out due to their daily routine such as a tight
schedule and they love to spend their leisure time relaxing and scrolling on social media.

However, each of our user personas has its own goal and dreams that they wish they
could achieve by using this application. The first user persona shared that she wants to reach
an ideal weight and a healthy lifestyle even though she did mention that she has no motivation
to lose weight and irregular eating behaviour. Other goals that have been shared by other user
personas also did mention they want a normal Body Mass Index (BMI) and to eat healthily.

In conclusion, they are hoping and recommending that this application has great
features and is user-friendly so that they could use this app easily. Other than helping them to
have a normal BMI and fit body, they also hope that this application could share some
motivational words for them to motivate them despite having a lot of problems and challenges in
their life to achieve their goals.


2.2.1 User Problem (5W 1H)

Every letter of the acronym 5W1H refers to a question: what, who, where, when, how, and why.
This method helps one to comprehend a situation and identify an issue by examining all

Below are the 5W1H that had been constructed for this project to identify user problem :

5W 1H Identification

Figure 3.0

1) What?
Statistics showed Malaysia had been one of the highest numbers of people with obesity
problems in the Asean country. Some of them, especially the youth generation are trying
hard to lose their weight but are hardly doing so due to lack of knowledge and time to
learn the right way.

2) Where?
It is so obvious that Malaysian youth have restricted time in managing their life, which in
fact they hardly have time to do exercise by going to gym or even light exercise at the
park. This one factor also has been one of the reasons why youth in Malaysia face

3) When?
Ever heard that sometimes, people have the spirit to make their life a better day where
they can enjoy a healthy life. But, there’s a lot of misconception about dieting in social
media and the internet which makes the youth fail to achieve their healthy weight. The
obese person do have the want which is keeping their body healthy but sometimes, it is
so hard to receive true information when they do not have guidance and support system.

4) Who?
Malaysians are known for their variety of food and beverages due to its unique cultures.
In fact, Malaysians have always been told to have the most delicious food in the world.
But, sometimes it also can have a bad effect especially on the youth because they will
grow up in an environment where eating a lot of food is common. Being exposed to
social media, the youth now have the realization of the importance to stay fit. But
unfortunately, there’s plenty of support in Malaysia on staying fit.

5) Why?
Having the wrong information makes the teenagers or youth fail to lose their weight and
in fact, their BMI keeps on rising due to a false diet method and they lack knowledge on
what is the right thing to be done in order to achieve the best health.

6) How?
How do obesity problems occur, especially among youth? Well, there are several factors
which contribute to this matter. First of all, increasing stress among teenagers because
of assignments or hectic life. Stress will make the hormone imbalance which contribute
to obesity. Other than that, the environment also plays an important role in keeping the
body healthy. Being grown in a community where they do not care about their health also
contributes to the obesity problem. Last but not least is because of the marketing where
they keep on giving fake news for their own profit.

2.2.2 Fishbone Diagram to identify categories and cause

The fishbone diagram is a structured brainstorming tool that employs categories to

investigate the core causes of undesired effects, or what we called as Ishikawa diagram. When
it comes to determining the fundamental reason for an issue, cause and effect diagrams can
assist organize and graphically expressing the numerous possibilities. Our group chooses to
take advantage of a fishbone diagram to identify the potential sources or causes of the
difficulties happen.

The issue is obesity is one of the neglected issues among youth in Malaysia. We are
going to find the causes of the issue. First and foremost, the causes of the problems are Stress.
Nowadays, people are too busy with the advancement of technology, and everyone is rushing to
be at the top and succeed in their life while ignoring their emotions which eventually leads to
stress. Stress creates hormone imbalance, and their metabolism will drop even though they are
eaten with a small portion and their calories are still hard to burn. Other than that, being
addicted to sugar gives a high chance of becoming obese as when someone is stressed they
tend to eat chocolate or something sweet. Less sleep also may cause to obese because sleep
can burn calories, with not enough sleep the body cannot burn enough calories and make them
eat more.

Next, the causes of the problems are the environment. In Malaysia, most companies use
pesticides in their food because they want to cut costs and make the food long-lasting. Apart
from that, unhealthy lifestyles among the community, the majority of them follow the trend to try
new viral food that is unhealthy and their lifestyles become the trend. Moreover, there are a lot
of fast-food restaurants such as MacDonald, KFC, Pizza Hut, Dominos, Big Apple, etc. All this
restaurant is unhealthy and is the most favorable among youth because it is delicious with all
the sugar, oily and cheesy food. The increasing number of that restaurants can increase the
number of obese people.

Furthermore, the causes of the problems are human relationships. Unhealthy eating
habits in the family, when someone normalizes eating rice every day their children definitely will
follow their family eating styles. Family genetics is one of the reasons, their genes can influence
their behavior or metabolism which led to increased food intake. Meanwhile, youth are
influenced to follow their friends to eat unhealthy foods. Friends are like a mirror of themselves,
youth being an easy influence because they like to taste new things and ignore their calorie

Last but not least, the causes of the problems are marketing. In the new era, there is a
lot of fake information regarding ingredients that claim to be healthy food but are not. For
instance, the soft drink claims zero sugar but the label shows the drinks contain sugar. Besides,
youth are influenced by bad advertising that looks attractive and delicious. They want to eat and
try weird food that they don’t even know the ingredients and calories inside the food.

Generally, everyone must take their role to reduce the number of obese people out
there. There are a lot of causes that need to be discussed so that we can find out the solution to
the problems together. As parents, they must have knowledge about the food intake of their
family in order to have a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, they need to read more and cook the best
food for their children that will in future have a healthy generation. Further, the government must
take inconsideration to take any action for those fake information regarding food and they also
should create a program to lose weight in order to have a normal BMI in society and the
government needs to create awareness.


The use case exploration canvas is intended to identify and investigate potential
blockchain opportunities for the design application so that it can profit from them and be
thoroughly examined both internally and externally. For HealthD Application, this application is
developed for youth who want to lose weight and become healthier. The main goals of
developing this application are to help youth get their normal BMI, lose weight properly and
become fit.
Furthermore, HealthD is designed because we are trying to understand their pains which
youth that have obesity problems may experience anxiety, insecure, frustration and some of
them may or may not have other medical problems. Next, we offer our application users an
application that can let them write their journey in our Fitness Diary. The users can also hire an
authorized fitness coach to get their workout guided properly. The users will also get daily
quotes from the application to avoid them feeling demotivated and they can also track their
steps in our application.

To ensure our application’s safety, we make sure that the coaches that are hired are the
certified coaches to avoid problems. We also have followed the health plan and we have hired
the application developer to develop our application perfectly. Moreover, our resources are from
legal resources which are from certified coaches, health books and we are also connected with
Google Map and Instagram.
Last but not least, before HealthD is being developed, we have made sure to get
certified from gym centers, health centers and hired only certified coaches regarding the
application’s safety. In this way, we believe that we are able to gain the users trust to use our
application safely.



3.1.1 SCAMPER Diagram

To add ideas for the improvement of our products to solve the problem of obesity among
youth in Malaysia, we have used the quick and simple method of creative brainstorming, which
is SCAMPER technique to generate new ideas based on existing products. Which is
Myfitnesspal. SCAMPER is a tool for coming up with some excellent ideas. SCAMPER stands
for substitute, combine, adapt, modify, put, eliminate and reverse. This tool helps us to come up
with new product or service ideas by inspiring you to consider how you may enhance current

The first element is substitute, in which in substitute we focus on what materials of

existing products that we can replace to ensure that our product is better. The material that we
substitute from the previous app, which is Myfitnesspal, is to substitute food diary into personal
diary. From the existing product, they only have a food diary which is a record of calorie intake
for breakfast, lunch, dinner etc. However, we come up with a new idea with a personal diary in
which the user can express their feelings and achievements of their workout or diet life in the
personal diary, upload a photo of their improvements, and write about the calorie intake per day

as notes for improvement. Personal diary helps them plan and maintain their focus, which can
help to make their workouts more intentional.

The second element is combine in which we focus on what we can combine in order to
maximize the uses of our app compared to the existing product. We come up with the idea that
the user can hire a freelancer coach from our app, HealthD. When we compared our app with
the existing app, there is no hiring a freelancer coach in their app, which is Myfitnesspal.
Therefore, we combine the freelancer coach with the workout app. The reason we come up with
the idea that users can hire a coach to help them workout is because a trainer can make the
user exercise safer, more effective, and more fun. Other than that, a freelancer coach also
provides expertise, accountability, and support.

The third element is adapt, in which we focus on adapting or readjust of our app to serve
another purpose and use. Therefore, we come up with an idea that the user can connect their
social media platform which is Instagram to the app. A user can share their achievements and
improvement f in their diet routine from their personal diary to Instagram post so that it can be
an inspiration to other people to start working out and have a better diet life and routine.

Moving on to the fourth element in SCAMPER, which is modify, we focus on what

elements of the existing app that we can strengthen to create something new in our app. We
come up with the idea to modify it to have step trackers in the app without using a third party.
From the previous app, they connect the step trackers from the Iphone device to show how
many steps made by a user per day. However, we will have our own step trackers without the
connection of the third party.

The next element which is the fifth element is put to another use. We came up with an
idea to put daily quotes in our app as a motivational support to the users. From the previous
app, which is Myfitnesspal, there are no daily quotes in the app. Therefore, we give a difference
to our app by having daily quotes in the app. This is because motivation quotes make the user
believe that they have the confidence and inspiration to workout until they achieve their goals

The sixth element in the SCAMPER technique is eliminate. There is no element that
needs to be eliminated from the previous app in order for us to come up with a new app. This is
because we want to improve our app to be a better app compared to the existing app.

The last element of SCAMPER technique is reverse. In reverse, we come up with an

idea to change the colour and background of the app based on the preferences of the user.
Users can decorate their fitness app to be more appealing by changing colour and background.
This idea is to ensure that the users do not feel bored or lame when using the app since the
colour and background can be changed based on their taste and preferences. It also can give
support to the users to keep on working out and achieve their goals.

3.1.2 QADIM Technique

Qadim is one of the ways in order to brainstorm an innovation. It is designed as a

creativity method to innovate and develop ideas. For our project, we used Myfitnesspal as our
existing product (2,2) as it is the most suitable application based on our product idea.
Myfitnesspal is a fitness-based app that provides several functions for healthy lifestyle users.

We combine two products into one (2,1) which combines social media such as instagram
and google maps for location. The function of social media is to connect with each other, so that
everyone can share their diet diary and journey. While on the other hand, the functions of google
maps is to track location or workout programs such as steps tracker and running distance. In
order to develop functional fitness-based apps, these two functions are necessary.

In Myfitnesspal, there are features such as calories diary, workout plan and calories
burnt record. We decided to separate the calories diary and workout plan with calories burnt
record. This is because we believe that a calories diary and workout plan itself are already solid
features that can stand alone. While in weight loss and healthy lifestyle, calories intake is the
primary thing that needs to be measured while the calories burnt is not a necessary thing.

Moving to the new features to be added (1,2). We decided to add several features that
do not exist in Myfitnesspal. The first one is hiring coaches and being coach features. In the
fitness industry, there are plenty of fitness coaches but they have no platform to promote
themselves. So, this is a solution for fitness coaches and all customers in order to connect with
each other. Besides, we add daily quotes to spark daily motivation, fitness diary for long term
memory and steps tracker to maintain low intensity workout. These features are really helpful in
order to help users stay on track with their progress.

Next, we embed another product to an existing product (3,1) by adding on third party
social media such as Instagram. For Myfitnesspal, they have no features or platform for each
user to interact with each other. So, we decided to use social media to give users extra
experience by interacting with others. They may use it to share tips, promote themselves as a
coach, share success stories and so on.

Last but not least, we remove features (3,2) by removing calories from the burnt counter
as this feature is not really necessary in maintaining lifestyle goals. It is true that calories burnt is
one of the factors for weight loss and healthy lifestyle. However, it may be a reason for some
users to have their cheat meal repetitively. Besides, there are also no applications that have
accurate calories burnt. Different platforms have different measurements of calories burnt. So,
there are arguments in calories burnt record. To conclude, we remove the function as a calorie
diary and workout plan is more than enough to maintain a healthy lifestyle.


3.2.1 Simulation

a) Login Page

1. Login Page
The user can sign in with an email and password that the users have registered
on the sign up page.
2. Sign Up Page
The new user will need to fill in name, email, new password, gender and date of
birth as per requested on the page.

b) Homepage

In this page, the user can access the step tracker shortcut at step target display. The
buttons on the bottom of the screen will lead the user to step tracker page, explore page,
diary page and daily quotes page. The user also can access the personal profile page if
they click on the profile picture at the top right of the screen.

c) Personal Profile

This page will allow the user to see their summarized profile and the coaches they have
followed. It also displays the summary of the users’ activities. When the user click on the
profile summary it will lead them to the profile update page where the user can update
their profile there.

d) Steps Tracker

In the steps tracker section, users can track and get the estimation on how many steps
they walk for the day. The dashboard of the step tracker also defines how many more
steps the user needs to do in order to achieve their desired set target upon completing
their profile in the app. By turning this app on and running in the background, the app
can calculate and locate directly where we’ve been without any interference of other third
party apps. This is because the app collaborates directly with the google maps to receive
accurate data. By this, users can track where they walk and what kind of improvement
needs to be done in order to achieve their desired daily step target.

e) Hire Coach

The new feature is hiring coaches. Users have choices to choose which coach that they want to
hire as their personal trainer either female or male coach. They also may choose the coach
according to their preference either to build muscle, losing weight, yoga or fitness. On the next
page, this part briefly explains about the personal information and the achievement of the

In this part users may use the package for free trial within one week or yearly or monthly. They
may choose and proceed for the payment.

f) Diary Page

● To create new diary

In this diary page, users can create their new diary by pressing the plus button at the
bottom right. Then, the page for writing the diary will appear. In that page, users can put
the title of their diary, date, photo update, diet and workout improvement, and more. After
creating a diary, users can press the tick button below and their diary will be saved.

● To edit the diary

Additionally, users can edit their previous diaries. To edit, the user can press 3 dots at
the diary, and press the edit button. The page to edit the diary will come out and users
can continue to edit the diary. The user can press the tick button below to save the
edited diary.

● To delete the diary

Furthermore, the diary in the HealthD app can be deleted by the user. To delete the
selected diary, the user can simply click the 3 dots above and click delete. The selected
diary will be deleted.

● To post on Instagram

Lastly, users can post their diary on Instagram because the HealthD app can be
connected with Instagram. If users want to share and post their diary on Instagram,
users can press the 3 dots above and click share. Next, it will direct to the Instagram app
and can be ready to be posted.

g) Daily Quotes

This application was created not only to support our persona physically but also
mentally. The progress in reaching an ideal weight and dream body is very challenging,
hence daily quotes pages were created to give support and motivation for our user to not
give up in reaching their goals. Firstly, if users are from the home page, the daily quotes
of the button icon is located at the very right corner below. After clicking on the icon
button, it will bring users to the daily quotes page. This page shared many motivational
quotes daily for our users as a reminder for them to not give up in achieving their goals.
Users can click on the right arrow icon to read more motivation quotes.

h) Profile Setting

The setting section is just like other apps. We put several sections that we think are necessary
in order to use and manage the app. There are sections such as profile, diary setting, privacy,
theme and display, notifications and logout.
For the profile section, users can manage their personal data and details based on the criteria
provided. For the diary part, users can disable and enable which features they want for their
diary. Users also can customize their theme and display. We provide several colors for users in
order to give them accessibility to customize their own theme based on their preferences. We
planned to sell our premium display in this part. As for the notification setting, users can disable
features that they do not need and enable features that they want to use. Lastly, they may
logout from this app by clicking on the logout section.


To conclude, we learn a lot of things in this subject relating to the aspects of critical and
creative thinking, including the critical thinking framework, tools, and methodologies, as well as
the critical thinking criteria for this assignment project. The overall goal of the course is to foster
critical and creative thinking abilities that are necessary to identify, analyse, and practice.

From this project we were also able to discuss and work together in a group on potential
solutions to the problem and create the platform of this project, which is for HealthD
applications. In addition, we discovered that creativity is a daily activity that develops brains and
eyes used to seeing chances and possibilities everywhere, despite the difficulties that may be
encountered. Additionally, this initiative has helped us realize how crucial this obesity issue is.
Our HealthD app is one of the alternatives to help users, especially teenagers that are having
difficulty losing weight.

Overall, we believe that becoming creative can help us solve any difficulties that may
happen in the future including daily life. In this context, creativity refers to our ability to
comprehend something unexpected. It should be expressive, interesting, and imaginative
beyond our normal thinking level that we need to think outside the box and our comfort zone. It
is a brainstorming and mind-blowing activity in which we must think beyond the imagination to
produce something worthwhile and unique.


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