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1. With what activity do you spend the most time? Why?

I spend most of my time with family especially now that kids below 21 years old are not allowed
to go outside their homes. Unlike before the pandemic, most of my time is spent in school. Now
that my parents’ working schedule was also adjusted, we usually spend most of our time
together at home.
2. With what activity do you spend the least time? Why?
My time for both with friends and SPLA is the least. This is because there is only a limited time
allotted to them. Although they are the least time, it does not mean that they are not important
as the others.
3. What activity do you enjoy most?
I enjoy both the time with my family and for entertainment. Most of the times the time for
entertainment is also out time with family. We usually play together especially with my two
4. What activity can you give up? Why?
I think I can give up my time for entertainment and give way to more important things like

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