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It´s a language composed by a group of
symbols and signs (system) that people
use to communicate.
Skimming: to read something
quickly in order to find the main
facts or ideas in it.

Buscar algo superficialmente:

Leer algo rápidamente para
Deduction: the deriving of a
conclusion by reasoning encontrar los hechos o ideas
principales en él.

Scanning: to read something

quickly in order to understand its
main meaning or to find some
particular information. Translation: translate ideas
(sentences). No Word by words.
Escaneo: para leer algo
Traducción: traduce ideas
rápidamente para comprender su
(oraciones) No palabra por
significado principal o para
encontrar información particular.
It is the work of managing an
organization's resources,
time and people. Business
administration professionals
work to ensure that
businesses and
organizations are run
effectively, efficiently and
“Business administration is the
process of organizing the
business's personnel and
resources to meet business
goals and objectives.” “These
processes include human
resources, as well as operations
management, financial
management, and marketing
It is the work of managing an organization's
resources, time and people.

Business administration professionals

work to ensure that businesses and
organizations are run effectively,
efficiently and profitably.

People who are successful in business must also

be clear and effective communicators. Business
administration very frequently calls for working in
teams and on collaborative projects. Handling the
workload is only part of the challenge: being a
team member your peers and supervisors can
count on is a crucial part of business success

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