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Understanding How People Work

-Target Marketing and Avatars

-Your Target Market is the defined group of people who will get the most out of your
product or service, By focusing on them ,their specific problem, dreams and
roadblocks ,you can communicate in a way that allows you to impact them on a deeper
level than anyone else.

-An Avatar is a single person that embodies the characteristics of your target market.
They are the person you Picture in your mind as you write, imagine that you are
speaking only to them.

-For Example let’s say that the Target Market for the Copywriting Campus is 19-25 years
old man who are hungry to get wealthy and live free of the matrix. If I wanted to create
an Avatar to help me imagine this target market here is what that might look like. Steve
is a 20 years old young man living in Dallas, TX, He is set to go back to college later this
year but dreading it. Right now he lives with his parents, binge watches Tate videos, etc.

-Now if I were to sit down and write copy to persuade people to join the Copywriting
Campus, I would imagine Steve ,and address all my words to him, as if he were sitting
across from me right now.

-That way my writing will be personal, and relevant to “Steve” plus almost everyone else
in the Target Market.

-What to Include when creating an Avatar

1. Name, age and face. This makes it much easier for you to imagine them as a real,
individual person.

2. Background and mini life history. You need to understand the general context of
their life and previous experience.

3. Day-in the-life. If you can get a rough idea of what the average day in their life looks
like you will be able to relate more easily to them.

4. Values. What do they believe is most important? What do they despise?

5. Outside forces. What outside forces or people does the Avatar fell influences their

-You can gather the information you need to create and Avatar for a product based on
context clues on the product sales page, and by making your best guess about the
things not explicitly stated.

-If you’re working with established clients, instead of inventing the Avatar, you could sit
down with them and identify their most loyal, highest paying customers, and use one of
them as your Avatar for when you write.

-Defining the Target Market and creating an Avatar to focus on will give your writing the
power of specificity and allow you to impact the reader on a deeper level and win.

-Human Motivators
-Humans are only compelled to take action for two main reasons:

1. They are running away from pain

2. They are running toward pleasure

-It’s our job as copywriters to understand both and combine them so we can propel
them forward toward a better life

-The more vivid and dynamic you can be in your understanding of their pain and
pleasure the more powerfully you can compel them to act. (Bonus points if you can
make the answers sensory, based on sight, sound, feel, smell, taste, etc)

-Running Away From Pain

For most humans, this is their most powerful motivator.

"Change happens when the pain of staying the same is greater than

the pain of change."―Tony Robbins

-You need to understand their Current State and the pain they are experiencing

-You must ask yourself,

"What is painful or frustrating in the current life of my avatar?”

"What annoys them?"

"What do they fear?"

"What do they lie awake at night worrying about?"

"How do others negatively perceive them now?"

-Running Toward Pleasure

-Also referred to as the Dream State

-For someone to change you must present a compelling, hope filled vision of their

-The more vivid and relevant to them the better.

-You must ask yourself,

- “if they could wave a magic wand at their life and fix everything, what would their life look

- “What enjoyable new experiences would they have?”

- “How would others perceive them in a positive light?”

- “How would they feel about themselves if they made that change?”

-Also, the higher importance of the pain/pleasure the more motivating they are

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs

-If you can elevate the focus to pleasures and pains higher up Maslow’s Hierarcht of
needs, you can greatly amplify their desire to change.

-But now that you’ve got your reader ready to take action, How do you direct them to
actually solve their problem?

-The Path To Change

-Once you have someone “chomping at the bit” to change, How do you direct them on
the right path? (And to buy your product?)

-Almost everyone knows what their dream life would look like. So why don’t they just
step into that dream life today?

-It’s not just lack of motivation there are usually “Roadblocks” that are keeping them
from moving to their dream state.

-The Avatar might not even know about or understand the Roadblock that is limiting
them and if you can help them understand their obstacles better than they currently do,
they’ll love you forever.

-To find the Roadblock ask yourself, “What is keeping my Avatar from getting what they
want now”.

-Roadblocks have layers.

-You might have to ask yourself that question multiple times before you get to the key
Roadblock keeping your Avatar back.

-Once you’ve identified the Roadblock it’s time to uncover the Solution.

-Solutions can usually be stated in “if.. Then…” phrases, and are connected to the core

-For example, let’s say we’re helping overweight people lose weight and the Roadblock
is they are eating more calories than they burn.

-The Solution would be “If you eat less calories than you burn, then you will lose weight”

-So where, does the Product fit in to all of this?

-The Product is the “vehicle” that helps the Avatar take advantage of the solution.

-The Product makes it faster, safer, easier, and more fun to overcome the roadblock and
make it to the Dream State.
-Once you can identify your Avatar’s Roadblock, Solution, and how the product
connects then you can direct the motivated reader to take action and but you product
to achieve their Dream State.

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