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Has it ever happened to you that for not sleeping the correct hours you have
felt very tired? Now a days, many people care about making money and don’t
care sleep their eight hours, some of them feel normal about it, but sleep plays
a vital role in good health and well-being throughout your life; so, the way you
feel while you are awake depends in part on what happens while you are
sleeping. When you are sleeping your body is working to support healthy brain
function and maintain your physical health. The main causes of not sleeping
well are drinking too much caffeine and using cell phones too much, and the
effects are Decreased physical activity.

Today the excessive consumption of beverages high levels of caffeine is very

common, in the United States, the consumption of these drinks is constant, so
a good percentage of the population takes sleeping pills, but this has a
reason, people around the world work overtime and consider that consuming
these beverages provide our body with energy to keep us awake, but what
they don't know is that they're affecting their immune system.

On the other hand, in the 21st century where all the technology is around us,
and gives us many opportunities to communicate very easily, however, not
everything is rosy, it has happened to you that before going to bed you stay
using your cell phone for at least an hour?, according to studies all electronic
equipment with screens radiate a blue light which tricks our brain and keeps it
awake, That is why, excessive use of cell phones can affect our routine.

Finally, one of the effects of not sleeping well is Decreased physical activity.
Sleeping well makes our body stay energized, but not sleeping well can be
very harmful to our lives because we will always be tired and unwilling to do
our exercise routine.

To sum up, Not sleeping our adequate hours can be harmful to our health,
which is why we should avoid the consumption of caffeine and the use of cell
phones, since it could be harmful to our immune system, and could affect our
brain. A good suggestion to follow is to be able to make a schedule and
comply with it, this could be very beneficial for our health.

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