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Your smart phone probably rests right next to you (or even under your

pillow) every night when you go to sleep. People just have a habit of
using their phone for scrolling through social media, watching Tik Tok
before bed…

However, many probably don’t realize how badly smart phones affect
your sleep and your brain’s health. What may seem like a harmless
habit to you – jumping into bed and opening up your phone – can
actually have a big impact on your overall health. 

1. It keeps your mind psychologically

Smart phones were designed to make us more productive and our
lives easier. They’re designed to entertain us and provide information.
But when it’s time to turn off the lights and go to sleep, the last thing
our brain needs is more information and more entertainment.
Checking your phone stimulates the brain so people are more active
and awake. Even just a quick check can engage your brain and
prolong sleep. 

What can make this habit even worse is feeling the need to constantly
be connected and available. Many have a tendency to immediately
answer, respond, post or scroll. The smart phone era has forced us to
feel like we can never really log off, even when we’re sleeping. 

2. The blue light from the screen

suppresses melatonin
The blue light that your smart phone emits is not only bad for your
vision (explain more), but it’s bad for your brain too. The blue light from
electronic devices messes with your sleep cycle. It signals your brain to
wake up when it should be winding down.

3. The alerting news delay sleep

You probably know what it’s like to scroll through Facebook right
before bed and see something that makes you upset. Even seeing
something right before bed that makes you happy can trigger a
response that prolongs falling sleep. These emotions can leave you
staring at the ceiling for hours feeling wide awake. 

Checking your phone right before bed can lead to distracting

emotions, thoughts and anxiety.

Everything about your phone is supposed to make your life easier and
entertain you, but what it’s really doing at night before bed is the exact
opposite. It’s distracting you, keeping you awake, stimulating your
brain and delaying your sleep. 

So what should you do?

If you’re a nighttime technology user, it’s important to set some rules
about screentime before bedtime. 

If you’re really struggling with limiting screen time before bed, try
putting your phone in a different room and investing in a clock radio
for your bedside table. There are also options within your phone (like
setting it on ‘night mode’) to minimize distractions and notifications
that can help get you in the mood to snooze.

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