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In today's fast-moving world of business, operation management has become one of the top

requirements. Operation management holds such great importance because it provides the highest
level of profits when it comes to services and its quality. But what are the factors affecting operation

So today, let’s discuss some of the principles of operation management By Dr. Richard Schaonberger.
These principles will allow you to fully utilize the power of operations management. But firstly, let us
understand what operation management is...

What is operation management?

The process of controlling and designing in the area of management in the form of products and
services is called operation management

This process provides the maximum profit to the organization in terms of services and goods.
Moreover, the operation management team balances the revenue to maximum net profit. It handles
strategic issues like the manufacturing of plants and projects management and implements the
network of information technology networks. The operation management team also manages
operational issue like quality control, material handling, raw material investment, care and feeding
policies. This ensures the minimal waste of resources in the organization. Moreover, the team
presupposes the use of raw materials required for the organization.

The principles heading.....

1. Know the competition

The management should always know about their customer and the best services provided by the
other organizations. You can look toward the opportunities to either compete with them directly.
You should list your competitors with their strengths and weaknesses.

2. Focus

Always focus on the reason why customers are not buying from you. The team needs to spend time
on the customer's needs. focus on the effort that offers the best chance of success. do a little bit
every day. Communicate regularly and transparently with your employees. Focus on less and
simplify your priorities.
3. Organization resources

Organize the priorities for the resources that you need for the organization.

Organize them in such a way the resources matches the demand in the service industry. An
organization should make sure that all assets are available to the firm for use during the production
process. Basic organization resources are human, monetary, raw material, and capital.

4. team up with customer

firstly always know about what customer wants to buy from the company and their uses. organize
your resources according to the use of the customer. make client communication easy and ask for
reviews from your customer. appoint a decision-maker and be consistent and quick in replying to the
customer. provide superior customer service to your customer.

5. unified purpose

communicate your strategy and know-how; success is measured. make sure how they understand
the purpose of their work. Recognize and reward the high performance. value your worker's
opinions and provide them the growth opportunities.

6. continual and rapid improvement

deliver the best quality of the result with non-stop improvement. the organization aims to provide a
quick response to customer demand. always offers maximum flexibility to the customer. thus, it
gives more value to the organization.

7.manintain equipment

Before purchasing the new equipment for the organization, improve your current assets first. by usin
high-quality lubricants, you can save your equipments . usinglubricants to operate equipment o a
daily basis plays a major role in protecting the lequipment. moreover, investing in automation can
increase the realiability of your equipment.

8. invest in hr

offer reward and recogniation to employees. you should provide th cross- trining optionsna and job
rotation to the emp; emoployees to keep up eith necessary skills. generally, employee
needs security,developmemnt and supoort from the orgnization.

9.visisbilty management :

promote your achievements so that the market knows about your impporements in the corpporte
world of productivity. trach and limit how much time you are spending on you task. set deadlines for
your task and make a ahvit of committing a single tasks before mving on te next tasks quality control

when you think abput quality contol, it comes with the manufacturinh inspecting products
flaws.quality control is the key coponenet of the well-run business. developinh a quality control
process makes it wasier to expands the business. therer are four qulity inspections

1.pre-productiion inspections

2.during production inspections

3.pre-shipment inspection

4.loading supervision

11.fix causes

focus on the root causes that affect the cost and perfrmace of the organization. indentify the issue in
the managemet and undwestand everyon's interest.

seperate the evaluation option fron the selection of options. avoid the lack of awareness snf
determine the reasion for the probles and implement the solution . evaluation the success of your
solution determines the underlying condition behind the

problem you have dfined 12.pull system

improve the workflow of the organization by analyszing ath current processes.prioriizw the projects
based on the imporatnce and provide the propr training to the employess. eepinh workflow moving
effectintly so the everone knows what requirement are used for the organization . schedule your
employees to assign them a specific task. analyxe the result by knowing whats working and what's
slowing down the process ad then= find the solution timely.

13.cut times

shorten yur time by making roceses faster adnnd delivering on the time. reduse non-value added
steps in the procsess and also reduce common cause isssues. improve communication with
warehouse and streamline your process with documentation.simplyfy your internal processees and
keep your customers informed. use the rigt technologt to loate your item quiceker.\

14.minimizw human error

traiing is the most imortant way to minimizw human error. keep improving equipemetn adn limit
access to sensitive systemes. develop a recovery plan for the strongdisaster ad test your distater
recovery pllan. work on your internal communiction lines. if uour staff is rusinh toachieve unrealistic
obectives and deadlines , they will naturall end up making mistakes. so, don't make targets and
deadlines unattainbale

15.cut setup

always ready your tool for on-deand production and be prepared to support differnet processes.
employees are th emercy of the managemetn to inform them to change. being proactive in
communication can minimize resistanc eand make employees feel like they are part of the process.
once a chance is is imporatnt to have good care about the rollout ad implemetnation to

16.simple equipment

keep your equipeemt as simple as flexible as possible and sll it at a reeasonable prie. all machines
can tranfer a force from one pace to another. some machines can increase the amount of forces s
that we can lift heavieer objects. simple eqipments reduce the effort. ectend the ablitity of people to
perform taks beyond their normal capabilitis.. simple equipemt ah magi=nify and reduce the forces
that can be apploiied to them. they do not change the total amount of work needed to perorm the
overal task.

these are the 16 of the most imporatnt principle of opeartion management you can increase the
productivity and efficiency of your company if you practise these principles. moreover you'll also
increase the profits of oyour organizationo.

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