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Biology Questions

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Biology Questions
Part 1
What is the purpose of mitosis?
The primary aim of mitosis is to distinct genome and guarantee the two daughter cells acquire
identical and equal complement of chromosomes. Moreover, is required for repair, asexual production
and growth. it also plays a major role of replacing damage tissues.

What is the purpose of meiosis?

The major purpose of meiosis is a process of cell division that leads to production of four gamete
cells. The process also leads to production of eggs and sperms where the half of the genetic match of the
parent cell.

What are two similarities and two differences between mitosis and meiosis?


 Meiosis and mitosis are mechanism that are capable and encompasses in
reproduction of multicellular organism.
 Both of meiosis and mitosis process end in Cytokinesis


 Meiosis takes place in the germ cells where it’s involved in production of daughter
cells where half of the chromosomes to the parent cells while mitosis is used in
repair and growth and it occurs in the somatic cell.
 During meiosis there only two cell division which includes both prophase one and
two while mitosis contains only one cell division where it goes through metaphase,
anaphase, prophase and telophase

What is Punnett square used for?

The Punnett square is a square tool that is utilized in predicting genotype of a

specific breeding experiment and cross.

What is the difference between an organism's genotype and phenotype?

The organism physical appearance is referred to as phenotype while genetic makeup

of an organism is referred to as genotype.
Part II

Ff x ff

F f
Ff ff

Ff ff



The offspring have 50% chances of inheriting and not inheriting Cystic fibrosis from both parents’ cells.

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