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Ibn Roshd International Schools

Academic Year 2021 - 2022


Revision worksheet

Topic 7 – Patterns in Space

Lesson 1: Earth's Gravitational Forces

• Gravity is a force of attraction between two objects.
• Everything that has mass exerts, or applies, a
gravitational force on other objects

The arrows G for gravity and R for air resistance.

Earth’s gravity always pulls objects toward Earth’s


Gravity exists between all objects in space. Stars stay in their

galaxies because of gravity. Our sun has much more mass than
Earth or the planets and object revolve around it.

Vision: A global-pioneering educational company that offers qualitative learning and creates a creative 1
Mission: We provide a unique learning with global standards in an educational environment that is generation
attractive and stimulates creativity in order to build a learner who is effectively capable of coping with the requirements of the
age and to preserve his Islamic identity, homeland and values.
Ibn Roshd International Schools

Academic Year 2021 - 2022


Look at the model.

1. What do the arrows represent?

A. the speed of Earth as it revolves
B. the direction of the spin of Earth’s axis
C. the part of Earth experiencing winter
D. the pull of Earth’s gravity

2. Which best describes Earth’s gravity?

A. It pushes objects away from Earth.
B. It pulls objects toward the center of Earth.
C. It is an attraction between two heavy objects.
D. It is a force that causes objects to lift.

3. Choose which direction that represents the direction

of the gravitational force.

A. up
B. Down
C. Right
D. Left

Vision: A global-pioneering educational company that offers qualitative learning and creates a creative 2
Mission: We provide a unique learning with global standards in an educational environment that is generation
attractive and stimulates creativity in order to build a learner who is effectively capable of coping with the requirements of the
age and to preserve his Islamic identity, homeland and values.
Ibn Roshd International Schools

Academic Year 2021 - 2022

Lesson 2: Earth's Movements in Space

Earth’s Rotation

This effect is a result of Earth spinning on its axis.

An axis is an imaginary line that goes through the
center of an object.
• Earth’s axis passes through the North Pole, the
center of Earth, and the South Pole. The spinning
of Earth and other bodies in space on an axis is
called rotation.
• Earth makes one complete rotation about every
24 hours. One rotation is about equal to about
one day on Earth.
• Earth’s rotation cause day and night.
• The sun appears to move this way because Earth
rotates from west to east

Vision: A global-pioneering educational company that offers qualitative learning and creates a creative 3
Mission: We provide a unique learning with global standards in an educational environment that is generation
attractive and stimulates creativity in order to build a learner who is effectively capable of coping with the requirements of the
age and to preserve his Islamic identity, homeland and values.
Ibn Roshd International Schools

Academic Year 2021 - 2022

• Earth’s Revelation
Earth’s motion around the sun is called a revolution.
A revolution is the movement of one object around
another object.
Earth takes about 365 days or one year, to complete
one revolution around the sun.
The tilt of Earth’s axis and Earth’s revolution around
the sun cause Earth’s seasons
The diagram shows that Earth’s axis always tilts in
the same direction at the same angle of 23.5
degrees. Earth’s tilt and revolution affect how much
direct sunlight different places on Earth receive at
different times of the year

Vision: A global-pioneering educational company that offers qualitative learning and creates a creative 4
Mission: We provide a unique learning with global standards in an educational environment that is generation
attractive and stimulates creativity in order to build a learner who is effectively capable of coping with the requirements of the
age and to preserve his Islamic identity, homeland and values.
Ibn Roshd International Schools

Academic Year 2021 - 2022


1. The spinning of earth around its axis is called…….?

A. Rotation
B. Revolution
C. Gravity

2. An axis is an imaginary line that passes through the

A. True
B. False

3. The diagram shows the view from space when

looking at Earth’s North Pole. Notice the placement
of city X at noon.

Which explanation supports your diagram choice of city X at


A. Earth rotates on its axis every 24 hours. In 12 hours, Earth

would be halfway around its rotation.

B. Earth revolves around the sun. The sun shines on different

sides of Earth as it revolves around Earth.

Vision: A global-pioneering educational company that offers qualitative learning and creates a creative 5
Mission: We provide a unique learning with global standards in an educational environment that is generation
attractive and stimulates creativity in order to build a learner who is effectively capable of coping with the requirements of the
age and to preserve his Islamic identity, homeland and values.
Ibn Roshd International Schools

Academic Year 2021 - 2022

C. Earth's gravitational pull causes Earth to revolve on its axis.

In 12 hours, Earth would complete a rotation and be at the
same place.

D. Earth's gravitational pull causes Earth to rotate around the

sun every 24 hours.

4. The revolution of the earth around the sun take

A. 365 days
B. 376 days
C. 325days
D. 397days

5. The Earth rotate around its axis each

A. 23 days
B. 24 hours
C. 25days
D. 30days

Vision: A global-pioneering educational company that offers qualitative learning and creates a creative 6
Mission: We provide a unique learning with global standards in an educational environment that is generation
attractive and stimulates creativity in order to build a learner who is effectively capable of coping with the requirements of the
age and to preserve his Islamic identity, homeland and values.
Ibn Roshd International Schools

Academic Year 2021 - 2022

Lesson 3: Patterns over time


A shadow is a dark area or shape that is made when an object

blocks a source of light.

• sunlight shines on objects at different angles throughout

the day. As a result, shadows change their size and
position during the day.
Earth’s revolution causes seasonal patterns in shadows.

Vision: A global-pioneering educational company that offers qualitative learning and creates a creative 7
Mission: We provide a unique learning with global standards in an educational environment that is generation
attractive and stimulates creativity in order to build a learner who is effectively capable of coping with the requirements of the
age and to preserve his Islamic identity, homeland and values.
Ibn Roshd International Schools

Academic Year 2021 - 2022

Moon Phases

Vision: A global-pioneering educational company that offers qualitative learning and creates a creative 8
Mission: We provide a unique learning with global standards in an educational environment that is generation
attractive and stimulates creativity in order to build a learner who is effectively capable of coping with the requirements of the
age and to preserve his Islamic identity, homeland and values.
Ibn Roshd International Schools

Academic Year 2021 - 2022


1. The sun is high in the sky the shadow will be


Correct Answer: 2
When the sun is low the shadow is ..........


Correct Answer: 1

Vision: A global-pioneering educational company that offers qualitative learning and creates a creative 9
Mission: We provide a unique learning with global standards in an educational environment that is generation
attractive and stimulates creativity in order to build a learner who is effectively capable of coping with the requirements of the
age and to preserve his Islamic identity, homeland and values.
Ibn Roshd International Schools

Academic Year 2021 - 2022

Shadow is a dark area that when the light is blocked by an
opaque object

Correct Answer: 1
Choose the picture of the full moon.

Correct Answer: 1

Vision: A global-pioneering educational company that offers qualitative learning and creates a creative 10
Mission: We provide a unique learning with global standards in an educational environment that is generation
attractive and stimulates creativity in order to build a learner who is effectively capable of coping with the requirements of the
age and to preserve his Islamic identity, homeland and values.
Ibn Roshd International Schools

Academic Year 2021 - 2022

Choose the picture of the new moon.

Correct Answer: 1
During the new moon phase we cannot see the moon.
Correct Answer: 1
In 1st quarter and 3rd quarter, we can only see half of the
Correct Answer: 1

Vision: A global-pioneering educational company that offers qualitative learning and creates a creative 11
Mission: We provide a unique learning with global standards in an educational environment that is generation
attractive and stimulates creativity in order to build a learner who is effectively capable of coping with the requirements of the
age and to preserve his Islamic identity, homeland and values.

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