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The Importance of Character Education for the Young Generation

Character is considered as part of psycho-social element which is related to the

context surrounding. Kevin Ryan and Karen Bohlin (1999) have defined people of
good character as individuals who know the good, love the good, and do the good.
Good character is not formed automatically; it is developed over time through a
sustained process of teaching, example, learning and practice. It is developed
through character education. The intentional teaching of good character is
particularly important in today’s society.

A great nation is not only seen from the strength of its military army or its
numbers of war ships nor its wealthy. But, a great nation is seen from the
character of the nation as mentioned by Morgenthau (1991): national character
determines the national power. De Vos (1968) states that nation character shows
the unique and specific elements of characters of certain nations. Without any
action to internalize and socialize the value of the nation character, it is considered
that the young generation will have weak foundation in building the nation.

Young generation is the backbone of the nation. If the younger generation is good
and quality, then the state will be more advanced and qualified. Vice versa, if the
quality of the younger generation is poor, then the state will be crumble. Thus, the
younger generation is an important part of human resources. The high quality of
the young generation will bring in height quality of the nation. The younger
generation is often referred to as the leader of tomorrow; it shows that on the
hands of young generation, the nation’s fate is at stake. If the younger generation
has passion and ability to build the nation and his country well, then the nation
will be better.

Character development on young generation becomes important point,

considering that young generation is the generation which will continue the role of
older generation. The strong character of young generation will lead the nation's
progress; otherwise weak character of the younger generation will threaten the
existence of the nation among other nations. Education holds an extremely
important role in the character development. Character can be developed
particularly through education.

Ministry of National Character Education Team (2010) states that the function of
culture and character education are as follows:

a. Development; the learner’s potential development becomes a good person.

Everyone have a lot of potential which the potential has good and bad. The good
potential should be developed.

b. Good Behavior; good behavior is aimed to young generation (learner) to have

attitude and behavior that reflects the nation culture and character. This is main
character development that makes person to behave or have good morals.

c. Improvement; improvement can strengthen national education progress to have

responsibility in developing the more dignified learner’s potential.

d. Filtering; to filter their own national culture and other nation cultures those do
not conform to the culture values and dignified nation character.

Individually, character can be inborn but it does not work for the nation character.
Nation character is not inborn. Nation character will be strong if the individual
character of the people is also strong (Koellhoffer 2009). As important elements
which determine nation power, nation character must be implanted to young
generation. Young generation is the owner and the agent of change of the nation.
They do not experience the process of growing the nation character from the
beginning as the one did by some leaders in the past. Thus, character education is
essential for them.

The purpose above is accordance of education character that includes:

1) Confidence: learners must be honest, have the courage do the right thing. 2)
Respect: respect for others, manners, tolerance of others. 3) Responsibility: think
before act and responsible for his action. 4) Justice: dare to give a defense to the
true, open-minded and not easily blaming others. 5) Care: helping someone in
need, forgiving others. 6) Citizenship: become citizens who obey the rule and law.
The quality of young generation is characterized by strong character to play an
important role for the nation’s progress. Education is an excellent media to
develop the character of young generation (learners). It takes the role of all
components / school community for successful development of character.
Education holds a very important role and leads the development of the learner’s

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