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Name: Ruby Ann Mae V.


VIDEO LINK: Basic Geometric Figures Part 1


1. Identify three (3) Key Concepts that you have learned from the video.

2. How can you integrate the learnings you’ve gained in teaching and in

the field of education?

I discovered after watching the video that there’s an undefined term

which is the point, line, and plane because they are only explained using

examples and description. There is no dimension (real size) to a point.

Although a point is represented by a dot, it has no length, width, or

thickness. Our dot can be either small or extremely enormous, but it still

denotes a point. A line has no thickness, but its length is infinite in one

direction and in one dimension. A line is shown as a straight line unless

otherwise specified, with two arrowheads signifying that the line extends

without end in both directions. Despite having no thickness, a plane can go

on forever in all directions. The typical shape used to illustrate a plane is a

parallelogram or a tabletop. You must keep in mind that a plane has no

borders, despite the fact that its diagram shows edges.

Deep conceptual understanding needs integrating knowledge, which

calls for students to build interconnected knowledge structures through a

concept's primary notion. As a teacher, I can integrate the learnings I’ve

gained by sharing my knowledge with them and making the lessons

enjoyable so that everyone will participate. The techniques I’ve learned will

help me deliver my lesson efficiently and effectively. Using visual aids, easily

understand words and minimal words because primary students get bored

or don’t understand the lesson when the words are too long. Giving them

fun activities so that they can learn and enjoy at the same time. The

activities that are given to them will measure their knowledge. It will also

develop their skills and enhance their 4C’s-Communication, Collaboration,

Critical thinking and Creativity. Students will also gain the ability to better

express themselves.

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