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Thursday, 18th January 2022

Topic: Respiration and Circulation

Unit: 2
Pg: Unknown
Q1: Blood pressure in the veins is lower than that in the arteries. Suggest
a reason for this.
Ans1: It is because arteries take blood from the heart to other parts of
body and the heart is pumping blood which gives pressure to the arteries
while the veins are taking blood from parts of body to heart and it has
nothing that's giving it pressure
Q2a: Identify the blood vessels shown in the figure below:
1) arteries
2) capillaries
3) veins
b: State at least 3 differences between each of the blood vessels you have
b: Arteries transport blood away from the heart while veins transport it
towards the heart and capillaries link them both. Arteries carry oxygenate
blood while veins carry deoxygenated blood and capillaries carry both
types of blood. Arteries have thick muscles while have very thin muscles
and capillaries have very thin walled without muscle.
Q3: The figure below shows components of the human blood.
a: Which 2 components can you see in the figure shown above?
a: Plasma and Red blood cells
b: How did you identify them? Give at least 2 differences between the 2
components identified.
b: It is because those are the two things blood is made up of. Red blood
cells have haemoglobin in them when plasma don't and plasma contains
digested food minerals while red blood cells don't.
Q4: Identify and label the following main blood vessels in the figure
shown below:
a: renal artery: They belong to kidneys
b: jugular vein: It is in the neck
c: hepatic vein: It is in the liver
d: mesenteric arteries: They are related to intestines
e: pulmonary artery: In the lungs.

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