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Thursday, 18th January 2022

Topic: Respiration and Circulation

Unit: 2
Pg: Unknown
Q5) Give an example to show how living things interact by: -
Competing: - Animals compete with each other for food, space and
Co-operation: - Lioness cooperate by hunting prey in pairs or groups.
Q6) Try it out page 77
Ans6) On Text books.
Q7) What is meant by a bio-diversity of life on Earth.
Ans) It means the rich bio-diversity on Earth as scientists have
estimated that there are millions of different kinds of organisms
which make earth different from other planets.
Q8) Explain the statement logically.
a) Camels are adapted to desert life: - Camels drink a lot of water at
one time and their body tats can break down to I provide them with
energy and water. They obtain all the water they need from their
food. They have very dry droppings and highly concentrated urine.
b) Cactus is well adapted to desert life: They have long under roots to
reach Leep the underground water. They have small leaves to reduce
water loss and the stem store water and to do photosynthesis.
Q 9) How do organisms interact with each other?
Ans9) Compete, Cooperate, eaten by others and get eaten by others.

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