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Thursday, 18th January 2022

Topic: Respiration and Circulation

Unit: 2
Pg: Unknown
Q11) How does hibernation help animals to survive in winter?
Ans11) When animals hibernate, their metabolic rates and body
temperature falls and they go into a sleep - like state. It helps them
to conserve food and energy.
Q12) Complete the table writing under the correct heading how the
organism adapts.
Organism Behavioural
Polar Bears Hibernate
Birds Migrate
Trees Shed Leaves
Desert Animals Rest under Shade
Q13) Why are tropical rain forest conductive to life
Ans13) It is warm and wet throughout the year. This is why many
organisms thrive there.
Q14) What will happen to the aquatic organism if the water is too
Ans14) Oxygen is less dissolved in warm water, aquatic animals
might die.
Q15) Explain aestivation in relation to the lung fish?
Ans15) Aestivation is the state of being inactive lor dormant during a
hot and dry period. During a drought, the lung fish burrows into the
mud and secretes a mucous covering around it helps.

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