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Thursday, 18th January 2022

Topic: Respiration and Circulation

Unit: 2
Pg: 34 – 35
Q10) Why do human beings have transport systems?
Ans10) Human beings have transport systems to carry useful
materials to where they are needed and waste materials from where
they are produced to where they will be removed.
Q11) Complete the fact file:
Upper Chambers Aortic
Lower Chambers Ventricle
Size Clenched fist
Oxygenated Blood Left Side

Q12) Construct a concept map to show the organisation of the

human blood Circulatory System.
Heart: Pumps the blood.
Blood Vessels: It transports the blood.
Blood: It transports waste material, digested food and oxygen
Q13) Which part of the body to the following processes take place in
Aerobic Respiration: Cells of human being
Digestion: Digestive System
Breathing: Respiratory System
Blood Circulation: Blood Circulatory System

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