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Diego Gomez

Ms. Leal

Environmental Studies

8 November 2022

Best Piece of Work Essay

This essay about nickel mining was assigned as part of my Environmental Science

course. The teacher assigned us to read an article about nickel mining, and it contained many

graphics and Elon Musk’s plan to turn the island into his nickel supply. Afterward, the teacher

wanted us to write an essay about the topic itself, and how we felt about Musk’s plan for the


I believe this best represented my junior year because I spent a lot of time and effort on it.

Before writing the essay, I made an outline of points I wanted to mention, and other key details

about the article. I also analyzed the pictures they provided about the island to try to visualize the

struggles the native people were facing. Other topics we were studying in the class also

contributed to my knowledge of the article, which let me expand on some ideas. Lastly, I was

able to research Tesla itself, and realize their efforts and what they were trying to accomplish

Although the assignment was in an essay format, I really enjoyed writing it. The research

aspect of the essay let me have fun and look at it in any depth I wanted. The many pictures in the

article helped me stay focued on it and made it much more enjoyable. I liked that I was able to

incorporate my own thoughts about it and other stories that would relate to the topic. Since the

teacher gave us little to no prompt, we could be as creative as we wanteed with it.

In short, my essay about Elon Musk’s plan on mining for nickel in New Calendonia is my

favorite assignment from my junior year. I really liked how much time I spent writing it. I also
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put alot of research into my essay, which made it even better. Furthermore, I really enjoyed doing

it, too. Clearly, the work put into this assignment outshines any other from my junior year.

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