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First and foremost, we as a group praises and thanks to Allah swt., the Almighty, for
His showers of blessings throughout our assignment that have been given by Dr Ikmal
Hisham Md Tah. Alhamdulilah, all of us are really grateful because we managed to complete
this second assignment of LAW245, within the time given by Dr Ikmal Hisham.

In performing our assignment, we would like to show and express our deepest
appreciation and gratitude to all those who provided us with guidelines in a direct or indirect
ways especially to our beloved lecturer, Dr Ikmal Hisham for giving us a good guidelines,
instructions and contribute in stimulant suggestions and encouragement for completing this
assignment. Finally, this assignment cannot be completed without the efforts and cooperation
from our group members which is consist of Nur Anis, Nur Liyana and Nur Athirah.

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