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Randiel James Z.


Embedded systems are computers that are built into or as part of a larger device. they are in the
CPU in your laptop computer or smartphone, the GPS in your car, or even the TV you’re watching right
now! The common thread between all of these embedded devices is that they have dedicated processor
and memory. The processor is designed to run software written for it specifically for that particular

Embedded systems can also include input/output components such as sensors and actuators. In
recent years, Embedded Systems have become a very important part of the IT industry. Embedded
systems are used in numerous areas such as Industrial Automation and Control Systems, Medical
Equipment, Military Electronics, and many others. In this article, we will discuss various types of
embedded systems available in the market.

As an IT student interested in the embedded system there’s room for improvement like they
should have a wireless auto update to prevent hacking cause some parts of our world have a car that
can be hacked. We should add some sim card slot, in case of emergency to contact someone and to talk

The use of embedded systems is growing rapidly due to the increasing demand for smart and
connected devices. From smartphones to home appliances and medical equipment, embedded systems
are being used in a wide range of industries. The compact size, low cost, and versatility of these systems
make them a popular choice for developers and manufacturers.

One of the main advantages of embedded systems is their ability to perform real-time
computations, which are essential for many applications such as navigation and control systems. The
use of specialized hardware and software also helps to minimize power consumption and reduce the
size of these systems.

However, there are also challenges associated with the design and implementation of
embedded systems. One of the main challenges is ensuring reliability and security in these systems, as
even a small failure could have serious consequences. Additionally, the limited processing power and
memory of embedded systems can also be a limitation in some applications.

Overall, embedded systems play a critical role in many areas of our lives, and the development
and deployment of these systems will continue to evolve in response to new technological
advancements and the growing demand for connected devices.

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