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Once upon a time, there was a young boy named Tommy who lived with his parents in a

small town. One day, he accidentally knocked over his mother's favorite vase while
playing in the house. He knew he had made a mistake but didn't know how to make it
right. His parents were upset with him, and he felt guilty for his actions.

Tommy decided to apologize and say sorry to his mother, but he didn't know how to
start. He went to his room and thought for a while. He realized that saying sorry
was not enough; he had to show his mother that he was truly sorry. He decided to
clean the house and do all the chores that his mother usually did for him. He
wanted to make her realize that he was truly sorry and would never repeat his

Tommy's mother was surprised when she saw him cleaning the house and doing all the
chores. She hugged her son and told him that she forgave him. She was proud of him
for owning up to his mistake and showing his remorse through his actions.

From that day on, Tommy learned that saying sorry was not enough, but it was the
actions that followed that truly mattered. He promised himself that he would always
try to make things right

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Lily. She was playful, carefree, and loved
to play pranks on her friends. One day, she decided to play a prank on her best
friend, Emma. Lily thought it would be funny to hide Emma's cellphone and watch her
search for it.

However, things didn't go as planned. Emma became upset and started to cry. Lily
realized her mistake and felt terrible. She wanted to apologize, but pride got in
the way. She thought Emma was overreacting and didn't want to admit her fault.

Days went by, and Lily noticed that Emma was avoiding her. She started to feel
guilty and knew she had to make things right. One day, she called Emma and said,
"I'm sorry for what I did. It was wrong, and I shouldn't have played that prank on
you. I value our friendship, and I promise to never do something like that again."

Emma forgave Lily, and they hugged it out. From that day on, Lily learned the
importance of saying sorry and admitting her mistakes. She realized how much her
actions could impact those around her, and she wanted to make sure she never hurt
anyone again.
.‫دائما متحمسة للقاء أصدقاء جدد واللعب معهم‬
ً ‫ كانت‬.‫ كانت هناك فتاة صغيرة اسمها ليلي تحب اللعب في الحديقة‬، ‫ذات مرة‬
، ‫ بدأ الولد الصغير في البكاء‬.‫أرضا‬
ً ‫وأسقطته‬ ‫صغير‬ ‫ اصطدمت بطريق الخطأ بصبي‬، ‫ بينما كانت تلعب على المراجيح‬، ‫ذات يوم‬
‫ عرفت أنها ارتكبت خطأ‬.‫وشعرت ليلي بالفزع‬.

‫ ال‬: ‫ وقال‬، ‫ ومسح دموعه‬، ‫" نظر إليها الصبي الصغير‬.‫ لم أقصد أن أؤذيك‬.‫ "أنا آسف‬، ‫ذهبت ليلي إلى الصبي الصغير وقالت‬
ً ‫ واستمر كالهما في اللعب‬، ‫" كانت ليلي سعيدة بسماع ذلك‬.‫ أنا أسامحك‬.‫بأس‬.

‫ تعلمت أن قول آسف ليس عالمة‬.‫ كانت تقول آسف وتحاول تصحيح األمر‬، ‫ كلما ارتكبت ليلي خطأ‬، ‫فصاعد ا‬
ً ‫من ذلك اليوم‬
‫ بل هو وسيلة إلظهار اهتمامك بمشاعر الشخص اآلخر‬، ‫ضعف‬.

‫أبدا الدرس الذي تعلمته‬

ً ‫ لم تنس‬.‫دائما في المرتبة األولى‬
ً ‫ورحيما يضع اآلخرين‬
ً ‫شخصا لطيفًا‬
ً ‫ وكبرت ليلي لتصبح‬، ‫مرت سنوات‬
‫دائما على االعتذار عندما ترتكب خطأ‬
ً ‫ وقد حرصت‬، ‫في ذلك اليوم في الحديقة‬.

‫ بل هو‬، ‫ أدركت ليلي أن قول آسف ال يتعلق فقط باالعتراف بالخطأ‬، ‫في النهاية‬

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