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Name: Javeria Malik Date: February 8, 2023

Student Exploration: Pollination: Flower to Fruit

Vocabulary: anther, cross pollination, filament, fruit, nectar, ovary, ovule, pedicel, petal, pistil,
pollen, pollen tube, pollination, receptacle, self pollination, sepal, stamen, stigma, style

Prior Knowledge Question (Do this BEFORE using the Gizmo.)

Plants use sunlight to produce sugar. Flowering plants make some of this sugar available to
animals in the form of nectar (a sweet liquid found in flowers) and fruit.

1. Why do plants provide bees, butterflies, hummingbirds, and other animals with nectar?

As we all know, cross-pollination happens when flies and bees sit on flowers and pollen
grains stick to them thus this way is transported when they fly off and sit on another flower.
So, when plants provide nectar, birds and insects come to suck that nectar as they find it as
a sweet juice. Pollen grains are stuck into them so that they can transfer them to make

2. Why do plants provide animals with fruits such as strawberries, apples, and mangoes?

Plants provide fruits to animals so that seeds can spread. When animals eat those sweet fruits,
they spread the seeds inside them and in this way plant population increases because when big
animals step on that dispersed seed, it bows into the ground, and with the help of water,
sunlight, and air, a new plant can grow.

Gizmo Warm-up
Plants don’t produce nectar and delicious fruit just to be nice.
As you will learn, bees and other pollinators play a critical role
in helping plants to reproduce. Fruits play a role in allowing
plants to spread to new locations.

The Pollination: Flower to Fruit Gizmo will take you through

the reproductive cycle of flowering plants. To familiarize
yourself with some of the parts of a flower, begin on the

1. Look at the list of Flower Parts on the left. Which of these parts have you heard of before?

Petals, stigma, sepal, pedicel, ovary, anther, pollen, and filament.

2. On the Closed view, drag the Petal, Pedicel, and Sepal terms into the correct spaces.
(Use trial and error.) Turn on Show information about selected parts of the flower.

A. Which structure protects a maturing bud? Sepal

B. Which structure is a stalk that supports a single flower? Pedicel

Activity A: Get the Gizmo ready:
Flower anatomy  On the IDENTIFICATION tab, select Opened view.

Goal: Identify the parts of the flower.

1. Label: Drag the terms you have learned so far (Petal, Pedicel, and Sepal) into the diagram
of the opened flower. The text at the top should say “Current status: 3 correct out of 14.”
Add these terms to the diagram below.

Opened view

A. The receptacle is a cup-like structure that holds the flower. Label the receptacle on
the Gizmo and then add this term to the diagram above.

B. The male part of the flower is called the stamen. It consists of two structures, a long,
thin filament topped by an anther. Label these three structures in the Gizmo, and
then add these terms to the diagram above.

C. The female part of the flower is called the pistil. It consists of a sticky top surface
called the stigma, a shaft called the style, and an ovary that encloses small
structures called ovules. Label all five parts in the Gizmo and in the diagram above.

D. Male sperm cells are contained within pollen grains. After a pollen grain moves from
the anther to the stigma, a pollen tube grows through the style to an ovule. Label
the last two structures in the Gizmo and in the diagram above.

If the current status now reads “14 correct out of 14,” then congratulations! You have
identified all of the flower parts correctly. If not, revise your labels until they are correct.
(Activity A continued on next page)

Activity A (continued from previous page)

2. Identify: If necessary, turn on Show information about selected parts of the flower, and
read the information for each part. Identify the following parts from their descriptions.

A. These grains contain male gametes (sperm cells): pollen grain

B. This structure contains female gametes (egg cells): ovule.

C. This colorful structure attracts pollinators to the flower: petals

D. This structure has a sticky surface to trap pollen grains: Stigma

E. This structure produces and stores pollen: Anther

F. These structures allow sperm cells to move through the style: Pollen tube

G. This cup-like structure holds the flower: Receptacle

H. These structures protect the maturing flower bud: Sepal

I. This structure contains the female organs of a flower: Pistil

J. This structure contains the male organs of a flower: Stamen

Get the Gizmo ready:
Activity B:
 Check that Self pollination is selected.

Question: How do flowering plants reproduce?

1. Describe: Flowering plants reproduce by a process called pollination. Pollination is the

transfer of pollen from the male to the female parts of the flower.

How do you think pollination takes place in flowering plants?

When pollen grains presented on anther shifted to the female organs by cross-pollination
that occurs by flies, animals, and wind.

2. Summarize: Follow the directions in the Gizmo to observe the steps of self pollination. In
your own words, describe what happens in each step.

Pollen grain falls from anther to the stigma. And pollen grains get stuck with

Pollen grains get into the ovules through pollen tubes.


And these sperm cells move into the ovules and then fertilize the eggs.

After fertilization, all petals fall off the flower.


After all, petals fall, and the ovary produces a pulpy layer around the new seed
to protect it. And this ovary is called fruit. And eventually, the sepals dry up and

(Activity B continued on next page)

Activity B (continued from previous page)

3. Explain: What is the purpose of a fruit?

One of the main purposes is that the fruit protects the seed inside it. And it also helps
in the spreading of seeds and in this way plants can reproduce.

4. Think and discuss: Think about what might happen to an apple when a deer finds it. How do
you think this will help to spread the seeds in the apple? If possible, discuss your answer
with your classmates and teacher.

Since deer is an omnivore. It can eat an apple. So, when it eats, seeds inside an apple also
get into the digestive tract of the deer and excrete through feces. This dispersal of seeds
can be buried in the soil by the larger animals and then germinates and can grow into
another apple.

5. Compare: Click Reset, and select Cross pollination. Go through the steps of cross
pollination. How does cross pollination differ from self pollination?

In cross-pollination, pollen grains are transferred from one plant to another by flies, bees,
and animals when they suck nectar and sit on another flower, and dispersed them onto it.
While in self-pollination, pollen sheds onto its own directly into the stigma.

6. Think and discuss: Think about how pollen might travel from one flower to another.

A. What are some of the ways that pollen can travel from one flower to another?

It can transfer by bees, flies, bats, wind, water, butterflies, and honeybees.

B. Based on your answer to part A, why do you think many plants produce sweet


Plants make sweet nectar so that insects attract it and suck this sweet nectar.

So, pollen grains can stick to them.

3. Infer: Some flowers are pollinated by wind or water. How do you think the petals of these
flowers will be different from the petals on flowers pollinated by animals?

The flower petal’s pollinated by wind or water do not have bright colors and beautiful scent
as compared to petals that are pollinated by animals and animal pollinated petals are bigger
in size as compared to wind or water pollinated petals.


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