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Group 3


Case 2: A petition to restore the death penalty is circulating in our country. A

friend is convinced that the death penalty is just punishment for serious crimes and
has value as a deterrent to crime. He asks you if you have any ethical objections to
the death penalty as public policy.

Question: What is your best moral response? (10 pts.)

We seem to agree with the death penalty because it gives justice to the victims. For
example, if a person raped and killed a minor, it will leave a traumatic experience
to the kid's parents and will haunt them forever, and that person deserves the death
penalty because of what he or she did.

But at some point, we tend to disagree with the death penalty. It makes no sense
because we only made the suffering easier when you committed the crime. Like
he/she should experience being in prison for a long time rather than dying
immediately, you won't feel what sin you committed. You were just scared for a

So to conclude everything we disagree on death penalty because it also violate

human rights which is the right to life. And death penalty only made the suffering
of a person easier who committed the crime.

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