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Write an essay in English on the following topic:

My personal project: student in Medicine/Dental Medicine/Psychology. Ways to reach my


yazan eb ellil
My personal project of education is ..
First of all i Decided to enter the praparatory year of romanian
language before to start my education subject.
Cause romanian language is very helpfull for foreign students to
communicate with other people and its make you live simply cause
you will be enrolled in the romanian culture and to understand every
thing happens around .. another good point i like to know more
languages so the romanian language is my forth language .
My personal project about education..
After im finishing the praparatory year i am starting vetrenary med
I picked vet med cause since i was kid animals is the only peacefull
hearts that i can touch it and if we werent there for animals
somthing will be missed in the world, another reason that my uncle
was a vet and he died before finishing his studies so im completing
his way and i will do any thing to get to my dream .
My dream job is to be a vet so im fighting for this dream and i put 5
ways to reach my goal:
1) Have a precise daily goal. ... daily goals are the best way
to reach your main goal ( it makes life become more tedy ).
2) Turn written work into oral work: practice is more helpful
than written work cause you got the chance to try it .
3) Managing time : Good time-management skills help to
prioritize tasks so you’re able to complete work and
assignments on time.
4) Develop patience to achieve goals: Being patient can help
you realize that consistent reflection and hard work can
produce successful outcomes.
5) Stay resilient: Resiliency refers to the ability to adapt after
encountering a challenge. It's important to acknowledge the
challenge or difficulty in order to find a way to overcome it .
6) Stay focused : Focus is the most important thing for me to
success my plans cause if u lost focus you will not be able to
reach my dream.

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