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Submission Procedure: Send a mail to hr@convin.

ai along with following details:

● Your Portfolio Link & resume
● Your assignment files
● Send within 48 hours

Design Exercise
Enhance the onboarding experience for the current Gmail Homepage.

To improve and redesign the existing FTUE (first time user experience) for the current Gmail
homepage, you should focus on handholding users to explain to them the different sections of
the homepage with proper guidance and progressive information disclosure.

User Scenario
The user comes from a Tier-2 city of India and wants to send his son’s wedding invitation via
email to his close friends and family members, so he decided to sign-up and use Gmail which he
had never used before. Once he entered Gmail the entire onboarding process was so great that
he was able to understand all the sections of the homepage by himself. He was able to send
emails across and felt really happy.

Note: Your task is to design this onboarding process.

Some Notable Consideration:

• Consider the user to be a 50 years old person who is moderately tech-savvy.
• They are fluent with applications such as whatsapp & Facebook.

What we are looking for

• A low-fidelity overview of the feature. Sketches, wireframes, site maps, and concept models are
all acceptable in describing your solution
• A high-fidelity Visual Design for one entire flow.

Regardless of the methods you use it is important to describe your recommendation clearly and
concisely to help us understand your work as we view it remotely. Later, we may also ask you to
present or discuss this work as part of an in-person interview.

Please confirm when you can submit this exercise to us.

Your submission will remain confidential to Convin and will not be shared externally. It will only
be viewed internally by Convin employees who are directly involved in the interview process and
hiring decision.

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