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STATE OF PALESTINE ‫دولــــة فلســــطين‬

AL AZHAR UNIVERSITY – GAZA ‫ غزة‬- ‫جامعة االزهر‬

FACULTY of ECONOMICS & ‫كلية االقتصاد والعلوم اإلدارية‬
Entrepreneurship. ‫امتحان نصفي للفصل الدراسي األول‬
Mid-term exam 1st semester 2020/2021 2020/2021
20170872 ‫الرقم الجامعي‬ ‫ أنس رائد حسن حموده‬/‫اسم الطالب بالعربي‬

:‫ ألجل تقييم إجابتك بالشكل الصحيح اتبع ما يلي‬:‫تعليمات اإلجابة على االمتحان‬
‫قم بكتابة اسمك ورقمك الجامعي باللغة العربية في المكان المخصص لهما اعلى الصفحة‬ -1
‫تكون إجابتك على هذا الملف مع إبقاء األسئلة وارساله للموودل بعد حفظه وتســميته باســمك الربــاعي فقــط وتحويلــه‬ -2
.PDF ‫الى ملف‬
‫خ‬99‫ا من النس‬99‫اع تمام‬99‫أسلوبك في إجابتك يعتبر جزء من تقييم االمتحان لذلك يتطلب منك التركيزـ بالصــياغة واالمتن‬ -3
.‫نسخ وتكرارـ صيغة اإلجابات بشكل يتطابقـ مع أحد زمالئك ستحصل أنت وزميلكـ على صفر‬ -4
.‫ فما فوقـ سيكتب به محضر غش‬%50 ‫سيتم استخدام برنامج لفحص اإلجابات لجميع الطلبة ومن يتطابق بنسبة‬ -5
.PDF ‫ال تقم بتغيير تنسيقـ الملف ونؤكدـ على أهمية ارسال الملف بصيغة‬ -6
.‫ وكفى باهلل رقيبا‬،‫نكتفي بالقول‬ -7

Answer All the following questions:

1- Differentiate between (Factor-driven economy) and (Efficiency-driven economy) and (Innovation-

driven economy)?

-factor driven economy: They are countries that employ workers who do not have high skills and
experiences and exploit natural resources. The main focus and competition is on price, provision and
fulfillment of basic commodities that the citizen needs, such as Egypt, Palestine and Algeria.
-efficiency driven economy: They are the countries that are interested in the development and growth of
production by producing more efficient products with high quality and lowest price. Such as Brazil, China
and Russia.
-innovation driven economy: They are countries or large companies that are interested in innovative work
by producing new products or new services in the form of advanced processes that give them a competitive
advantage. Like America, Britain and Japan.

2- List all the characteristics of entrepreneurs? And In page 25 of our studding book, it shows an
entrepreneurial profile of AJ Forsythe and Anthony Martin: iCracked. Clarify your understanding
of how one of the characteristics of entrepreneurs appeared in this case study? And how it played an
important role to help Forsythe and Anthony in their business.

Characteristics of entrepreneurs:
-desire for responsibility.
-risk eliminators.
-high level of energy.
-opportunity entrepreneurs.
-skilled at organizing.
-value achievement over money.
-future orientation.
-self reliance.
-confidence in their ability succeed.
-serial entrepreneurs.
-necessity entrepreneurs.
-desire for immediate feedback.
-high level of commitment.

Through the university student Forsythe research on parts to repair her phone on her own and relying on
herself , and through her experience in repairing her phone on her own, she discovered her own work, and
discovered a new opportunity for her through a simple experiment and a simple idea. A successful
entrepreneurial idea was obtained that started in a little area and then expanded and grew until Some
countries included with the participation of friends, and Anthony took advantage of buying and selling
parts, and she and forsythe made a full profit and led to the employment of people, providing job
opportunities for them, and achieving the highest profit through a simple idea.

3- In details, talk about Drawbacks of Entrepreneurship? And clarify how Gary Whitehill (in page 34
of our studying book) been affected by one of those drawbacks.

Drawbacks of Entrepreneurship:
- Uncertainty about income.
A commercial project does not provide any guarantee of earning big money
- Risk and fear of loss.
The failure of entrepreneurial people can lead to their ruin, destruction, and loss of everything
- Follow-up work long hours and difficult work.
The project at its start requires hard work and long hours to focus on the work and ensure its success.
- Poor quality of life at the start of a business.
Working long hours and being away from the family can cause problems between spouses.
- High pressures.
- Big responsibilities that must be followed up on the go.
It also has great responsibilities to follow it up and focus with it on success
- Frustration and expectation of failure.
Starting a business is a huge undertaking that requires a great deal of dedication

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Discipline and perseverance. And the expectation of failure is a natural thing to be devoted to failure. We
must continue to work continuously and focus on all aspects

First, Gary is affected by these risks by losing his salary from the bank and investing in a start-up project
and not receiving any income within a year or more. There are risks of lack of success and uncertainty
about income and the loss of all investment is also affected by a poor quality of life because he sleeps on a
sofa and does not sleep in his house , And also affected by the difficult work and long hours in pursuit of

4- In details, clarify how important to us to study about (Feeding the Entrepreneurial Fire)? Clarify
how this affects Michelle and Aarthi in their business True & Co. (page 37 of our book)?

Emphasis should be placed on the aspects of light that encourage entrepreneurs and that they may
encounter during their work and positively charge their energy.
Entrepreneurs should be treated as heroes because they are the basic structure of the country's economy and
their retention and achievements. Also teaching entrepreneurship and encouraging people to learn and
develop from themselves in order to innovate in this field, also demographic and economic factors.
Entrepreneurs between the ages of 22-44 years have opportunities to establish their companies. Private, also
technological development has led to the emergence of people with great minds in entrepreneurial ideas
and also encouraged people to invest and develop, also entrepreneurs have an independent life system in
pursuing business, sitting with family and organizing time, as well as using the Internet and applications in
organizing entrepreneurial work, such as using information that organizes Departments or inventory
organization, Entrepreneurial work also has international opportunities through the enlargement and
development of private work in it and its spread at the level of countries through creative ideas that may
work to enlarge and spread it.

-Through continuous research and the use of experiments and the use of technology with the help of
algorithms, it has been achieved to develop a new form of bra that suits everyone without using or
measuring it, so the exploitation of technology, especially the use of the Internet in experiments, led to its
success and to achieve the goal which is making a bra for everyone without measuring it on the body, and
also Exploiting the development by shipping to other countries and thus achieved success by exploiting
international opportunities, and thus with achieving profits, they developed themselves to produce

5- In details, talk about the business ethics?

Business ethics or management ethics are standards for the behaviour of individuals or managers within the

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Business ethics is the study of appropriate business policies and practices in relation to potentially
controversial topics including corporate governance, insider trading, bribery, discrimination, corporate
social responsibility, and fiduciary responsibilities. Business ethics are often guided by law, but other times
business ethics provide basic guidelines that companies can choose to follow to gain public approval.
The ethics of the company or managers affect both employees and the organization as a whole, the economy
and the corporate brand.
It includes business ethics and a basic level of trust between the various forms of market participants with
Also, work ethics is a competitive advantage among companies that includes preserving the rights of
employees, honesty and trust with customers and suppliers, avoiding anything unethical such as bribes,
favoritism and fraud, and producing a high quality product that satisfies customers. It serves the
environment and society.

6- In details, talk about business’s responsibility in the investor? Discuss how Russell Daniel (in page
92 in our studying book) in her business shows responsibility toward her investors.

Business responsibility towards investors includes in managing their money appropriately by making a
balance between employees' salaries, privileges and bonuses that are given to them and presenting money to
them in an appropriate and consistently clear manner, as well as honesty with them and honesty by not
using fake checks and not defrauding the investor, also not tampering with prices to preserve On the
reputation of the company and the money of the investors.

The act in which Daniel did towards investors is something that is not closed and unacceptable as the
morality of an institution for exploiting the money of investors and delusing them with another investment.
What Daniel did was negligence in his responsibility towards investors for betraying trust and trust with

7- In details, clarify how companies can enhance creativity in their environment? Discuss how T. J.
Scimone in his business Slice (in page 112 in our studying book) achieved that?

Improving the creativity of organizations by developing and developing the skills of employees through
training and development by experts or by attracting experts in the creative field to contribute to creativity
in the organization, as well as developing the administrative process by creating an organizational structure
in order. Each part is innovated in the administrative field assigned to it, as well. Investing organizations in
researching and exploring creative ideas and solutions, also by accepting diversity and difference in ideas
and not committing to one idea only, and also creating an environment that accepts failure and is flexible
and always looks for the best without fail, also taking advantage of the fun side in the organization and not

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taking things seriously to create an environment Convenient among employees. Encouraging employees to
poll, research and participate through informal meetings in which discussions and ideas are gathered, Also,
considering the problem as an opportunity that must be researched in order to obtain solutions and use it in
achieving the goals, also providing machines and equipment that facilitate the employees to exploit
opportunities around gathering and obtaining entrepreneurial ideas, also communicating with customers
constantly through calls or interviews with them in order to obtain On their opinions and improvement of
the company's effectiveness and satisfaction, as well as cooperation with other companies and benefit from
their experiences.

The creative work that Simon did on ceramic blades was noticed, as he designed them creatively, as he was
not satisfied with the traditional shape such as scissors, but he manufactured them in a distinctive and
protective manner that wraps around him more safely, as he made something simple but he innovated with
this design of the blade and made it more effective Which made it more attractive to customers, Fu took
advantage of all the creative things that contributed to the creation of a beautiful and creative idea that
achieved high profit and attracted by customers

Best of luck

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