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TITLE : Turbidity

The experiment on turbidity aimed to investigate the effect of suspended particles on the clarity of
the water. The experimental setup involved measuring the amount of light that passed through
water samples of varying turbidity levels using a turbidimeter. The turbidity of each sample was
controlled by adding varying amounts of sediment mixture to the water. The results showed a direct
correlation between the amount of sediment in the water and the turbidity level, as measured by
the decrease in the amount of light transmitted through the sample. The experiment provided
valuable insights into the importance of maintaining clean and clear water for both environmental
and human health purposes.


A) Definition and importance of turbidity

Turbidity is the measure of the cloudiness or haziness of a liquid, caused by the presence of
suspended particles that scatter and absorb light. It is a physical property of water that can affect its
quality, appearance, and suitability for different purposes.

Turbidity is usually expressed in nephelometric turbidity units (NTU), which is a standardized unit of
measurement. Higher NTU values indicate greater turbidity, and lower values indicate less turbidity.

Turbidity is an essential parameter for monitoring water quality because it can indicate the presence
of contaminants such as sediment, algae, bacteria, and other pollutants that can affect the taste,
odor, and appearance of water. High turbidity levels can also reduce the effectiveness of disinfection
processes, such as chlorination, and provide a habitat for pathogens that can cause waterborne

In addition, turbidity can affect aquatic life by reducing the amount of light that penetrates the
water column, thereby limiting plant growth and reducing food availability for fish and other

Therefore, measuring and controlling turbidity is crucial for ensuring safe and clean water for human
consumption and aquatic ecosystems. Turbidity measurements are commonly used in water
treatment facilities, laboratories, and field monitoring programs to assess the quality of water
resources and identify potential sources of pollution.
b) Effect of Turbidity

Turbidity is a measure of the cloudiness or haziness of water caused by the presence of suspended
particles such as sediment, organic matter, and plankton. High levels of turbidity can have several
effects on water and its ecosystem:

 Reduced light penetration: High levels of turbidity can reduce the amount of light that
penetrates the water column, affecting photosynthesis and the growth of aquatic plants.

 Decreased dissolved oxygen: Turbid water can reduce the amount of dissolved oxygen
available for aquatic organisms, which can lead to stress and mortality in fish and other

 Habitat destruction: High levels of turbidity can impact the quality of habitat for aquatic
organisms, such as fish, by reducing visibility and interfering with feeding, breeding, and

 Increased water temperature: Turbid water can increase water temperature, as suspended
particles can absorb sunlight and convert it into heat. This can create thermal pollution and
alter aquatic ecosystems.

 Health risks: Turbidity can also have health impacts on humans, as it can indicate the
presence of pathogens or contaminants in the water. These contaminants can pose a risk to
human health if ingested.

Overall, high levels of turbidity can impact the ecological balance of water systems and have
negative consequences for both the environment and human health.

1) From water sample

Turbidity experiments investigate the effect of suspended particles on water clarity. Sources
and causes of turbidity identified in experiments include Sedimentation: Sedimentation is
one of the main causes of turbidity. Soil erosion, deforestation, and land use change can all
contribute to sedimentation in water bodies.

Human activity: Daily use activities such as washing clothes, washing cars, washing dishes
can cause an increase in the level of turbidity. as in the soap use experiment. This activity
can introduce suspended particles into the water source.

Wastewater discharge: Wastewater discharge can contribute to the level of turbidity in

water sources. Improperly treated wastewater can contain suspended particles and other
contaminants that can increase turbidity levels.

Overall, the causes and causes of turbidity are diverse and can include both natural and
human-related factors. The experimental results highlight the importance of managing
activities that contribute to sedimentation and implementing effective management
strategies to prevent erosion, runoff and other sources of pollution.

2)give suggestion
Here are some suggestions to reduce turbidity in the sampling area:

Implement erosion control measures: Implementing measures such as vegetation management,

terraces and retaining walls can help reduce soil erosion and sedimentation in nearby waterways.

Reducing runoff: Reducing runoff from impervious surfaces such as roads, parking lots and rooftops
can help prevent sediment and other pollutants from entering water sources. Strategies such as
green infrastructure, permeable surfaces and rain gardens can help reduce runoff and filter

Properly manage wastewater: Properly treating and managing wastewater can help prevent
suspended particles and other contaminants from entering water sources. Upgrading treatment
facilities, implementing a stormwater management plan and reducing the amount of discharge
during heavy rainfall events can help reduce turbidity.

Control agricultural runoff: Implementing agricultural best management practices such as no-till
planting, cover crops and nutrient management can help reduce soil erosion and control agricultural
runoff. This can help prevent sediment and other contaminants from entering the water source.

Educate the public: Educating the public about the importance of preventing pollution and
protecting water resources can help reduce turbidity. Encouraging responsible behavior such as
proper waste disposal, reducing fertilizer use and limiting impervious surfaces can help reduce the
number of pollutants and sediments entering waterways.

Overall, reducing turbidity in sampling areas requires a multifaceted approach that addresses the
causes of sedimentation and pollution. By implementing this strategy, it is possible to improve the
clarity of water resources and protect the health of aquatic ecosystems.


In conclusion, experiments on turbidity show the effect of suspended particles on water clarity. The
results show that as the concentration of suspended particles increases, the turbidity of the water
also increases. The experiment emphasized the importance of managing activities that contribute to
sedimentation and pollution in waterways. The causes and causes of turbidity are diverse and can
include natural and human-related factors. Erosion, human activities, agricultural practices, natural
occurrences, and wastewater discharges are identified as some of the main causes of turbidity. For
the turbidity experiment, the reading I got for all four beakers is the first one for ground water. The
reading I got for ground water is an average of 204.33 NTU. The second for soapy water is 32.33
NTU. The third is tap water 0.52 NTU. Next, water vinegar and the reading that can be recorded is
0.29 NTU. Each type of water will be taken three readings of each type, then the average of each
type of water is taken into account for the final result.
TITLE:Dissolved Oxygen
Experiments on dissolved oxygen aim to investigate the relationship between temperature and
dissolved oxygen levels in water. Dissolved oxygen levels in water are essential for the survival of
aquatic organisms and can be affected by many factors, including temperature.

This experiment involved measuring dissolved oxygen levels in water samples at different
temperatures ranging from 10°C to 40°C. The results showed that dissolved oxygen levels decreased
as the temperature increased. This relationship between temperature and dissolved oxygen levels is
due to the lower solubility of oxygen in warmer water.

This experiment emphasizes the importance of managing water temperature to maintain sufficient
dissolved oxygen levels for aquatic life. Factors such as climate change, human activities and
agricultural practices can increase water temperatures and reduce dissolved oxygen levels, which
can have a severe impact on aquatic ecosystems.

Overall, experiments on dissolved oxygen provide valuable insight into the relationship between
temperature and dissolved oxygen levels in water. By understanding this relationship, it is possible
to implement measures to manage water temperature and maintain sufficient levels of dissolved
oxygen, which is essential for the health of aquatic ecosystems.


Definition of dissolved oxygen

Dissolved oxygen refers to the amount of oxygen gas (O2) found in water or other liquids. Oxygen
can dissolve in water through diffusion from the surrounding water, photosynthesis by aquatic
plants, or agitation and mixing of the water. Dissolved oxygen is essential for the survival of aquatic
organisms, including fish, insects, and bacteria, which require oxygen to carry out respiration and
other metabolic processes. Dissolved oxygen levels can vary depending on various factors such as
temperature, pressure, and the presence of other dissolved substances.

1) Effect of increasing and decreasing of dissolved oxygen value.

Effects of increasing dissolved oxygen:

Enhanced growth and reproduction of aquatic organisms: Increased dissolved oxygen levels can
enhance the growth and reproduction of many aquatic organisms such as fish, insects and algae.

Increased biodiversity: Higher DO levels can support a wider variety of aquatic species, including
those that require higher oxygen concentrations.

Improved water quality: Dissolved oxygen is important for the breakdown of organic matter in
water, so increasing DO levels can improve water quality by reducing organic pollutants.

Effects of reducing dissolved oxygen:

Reduces the growth and reproduction of aquatic organisms: Reduced DO levels can negatively affect
the growth and reproduction of many aquatic organisms, including fish and insects.

Fish kills: Low DO levels can cause fish and other aquatic organisms to suffocate and die.

Altered nutrient cycling: Low DO levels can alter nutrient cycling in aquatic ecosystems, which can
lead to changes in the growth of algae and other aquatic plants.

Increased pollutants: Low DO levels can lead to increased pollutants in the water, as organic matter
is not broken down efficiently.
2) Explain why dissolved oxygen is important parameter to identify water quality.

Dissolved oxygen (DO) is an important parameter to identify water quality because it is a critical
factor in supporting aquatic life. DO refers to the amount of dissolved oxygen in water, and it is
essential for the survival of aquatic organisms. Here are some reasons why DO is important in
identifying water quality:

2) Indicators of biological activity: Dissolved oxygen is used by aquatic organisms during

respiration and is also produced by photosynthesis. Therefore, the DO level can provide an
indication of the level of biological activity in the water. High DO levels indicate a healthy,
oxygen-rich environment, while low DO levels can indicate poor water quality and low levels
of biological activity.

3) Key to aquatic life: DO is essential for the survival of most aquatic organisms, including fish,
insects and plankton. Aquatic organisms sensitive to low DO levels may become stressed or
die if exposed to water with insufficient oxygen. Therefore, DO levels are an important factor
to consider when evaluating the suitability of aquatic habitats for different species.

4) Influenced by human activities: Human activities, such as agricultural runoff, sewage

discharges, and industrial activities, can reduce DO levels in water bodies. Therefore, DO
levels can be used as an indicator of the impact of human activities on water quality.

5) Influence on water treatment: DO can affect the effectiveness of the water treatment
process. Low DO levels can make it difficult to remove contaminants from water during
treatment, and high DO levels can result in the formation of disinfection byproducts that can
be harmful to human health.

Overall, DO is an important parameter to identify water quality because it is a critical factor for
supporting aquatic life and can provide important information about the level of biological activity in
water, the effects of human activities, and the effectiveness of water treatment processes.

Dissolved oxygen experiments aim to measure the concentration of dissolved oxygen in water
samples. The concentration of dissolved oxygen in water is an important parameter in
understanding the health of the aquatic ecosystem. During the experiment, we used a dissolved
oxygen meter to measure the concentration of dissolved oxygen in the water sample. Results are
recorded in milligrams per liter (mg/L). We found that the concentration of dissolved oxygen varied
depending on the source of the water sample.

In conclusion, measuring dissolved oxygen concentration is a critical step in understanding the

health of aquatic ecosystems. It is important to monitor dissolved oxygen concentrations regularly to
identify any changes in water quality and take appropriate measures to ensure the well-being of
aquatic organisms. In this experiment, I took four different water samples to test the oxygen level in
the water. Examples of water are tap water, soapy water, ground water and vinegar water. I get
three readings for each sample. In this experiment the temperature is also taken into account
because the temperature also affects the reading for the experiment. For example, tap water that
gets an average reading of 4.92 and the temperature reading 30.3 degrees Celsius.

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