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Giới thiệu bản thân:

Hello, My full name is TXH. I'm a sophomore of PTIT.

1, CHủ đề về Car
No, I don’t. I often travel by motobike. I like compact
cars. so I will choose a 4-seater vehicle. Personally, think
that the eletric cars will be usefull in the future. Not only
is it cheap, but it also doesn't pollute the environment.
Because Vietnamese people often think that they should
buy their own car, cars will probably be more popular
than public transport.
Yes, there are. Yes, I have. We form a group and organize
meals once a month. Personally, I think that Young
people will probably be easier to communicate. Because
that person may be my friend, or work with me, or have
similar thoughts and stories to me. If I deal with bad
neighbors, I will ignored them.
I spend about 300.000đ a month. I only use it to buy
breakfast. Yes, I’m money saver. I sometimes go out with
friends and buy few clothes. I usually eat at home. Yes, I
4. job
Im a bartender.
I think I want to pay my own tuition to help my mother
and I also want to buy the necessary things. I make up a
specific timetable for each week.
5. activity
Yes, I do. I regularly participate in sports activities at
school. Yes, I do. I think those Activities will help us be
more confident, more active. Sports activities help me
improve the healthy.
6. vacation
I usually go to work on vacations. I think I prefer going on
vacation with my family because my family rarely go out
together. Yes, of course. Ecotourism is very suitable for
those who are stressed. We will experience a relaxing
time with nature.

1. I will turn off the lights when I leave, Use energy

efficient appliances, Use natural light, turn off the
faucet when not in use, Replace your light bulbs
2. I think it is eletric energy. Because all appliances at
home use eletricity.

@@ Long discussion
1. Is it better to use your extra money to buy some
objects than to increase your experiences
A: hi b
2. B: hello a. nice to meet you. I have a question to ask
you “Is it better to use your extra money to buy
some objects than to increase your experiences

A; In my opinion, I like using my extra money to buy
some objects. I want to buy clothes, buy devices such
as computers and smartphones to serve my studies,
buy convenient home appliances.
A; and you? What do you mean?
B; personally, I think I will use my extra money to
increase my experience. I can use the money to buy
courses in foreign languages, business and more.
Another option is that I can save money to travel or go
to seminars so that I can experience new knowledge.
A wow, That sounds very reasonable. i think i will listen
to you.
B ok.
3. do you agree or disagree with the following
statement: " Cars should be banned from city
A; hi B
B: Hi A, nice to meet you. Long time no see. I have a
question that I would like your opinion.
A; Is “do you agree or disagree with the following
statement: " Cars should be banned from city
centers"” ?
B;Yes, it is. In my opinion, I think cas shouldn’t be
banned from city center because Cars are the main
means of transportation for the most people. With a
large population in the city center right now, the
banning cars is not suitable. It will cause
inconvenience to the people.
A. I think it’s right. But Traffic in the city is very
congested. Cars often cause unnecessary
accidents. If cars are banned from entering the
city center, we can reduce accidents and can
make the streets more open, the air less
B. It also sounds reasonable. Why don't we ask our
4. Do you agree or disagree with the following
statement:” being happy with your job is more
important than earning a high salary.
A; Hi B. Long time no see
B Hello A Nice to meet you. How is your job these
A I am very confused. I have a question for you” Do
you agree or disagree with the following
statement:” being happy with your job is more
important than earning a high salary.”
B; A very good question. I think I will choose being
happy with my job because I spend much of time at
work, We work 8 to 12 hours a day. So feeling at
work is very important. Emotions are very
important to work efficiency. When we work with
high productivity, our salary will also increase.
A. It sounds very resonable. But think earning a
high salary is very important. A high salary helps
you cover daily needs. A high salary will also
improve our mood. But I will choose the work
that have a high salary and have a Good working
B Ok, I will I will support your opinion.
5. Dou you agree or disagree with the following
statement: “ Rich people should be forced to
donate to charity”
A.Hello b. Long time no see.
B.Hi A. nice to meet you. What are you doing?
A.Im doing exercise. Do you want to discuss with
B.Ok ‘Do you agree or disagree with the following
statement:” rich people should be forced to
donate to charity?.” A good question. I think rich
people should be forced. Many social problem
are caused by rich people’s bussiness. So they
should give to charity to solve the problems. On
the orther hand, The poor will get poorer, the
rich will get richer, so the rich people should be
forced to donate .
A. I don’t think so. Everyone has their own equal
rights. So we can't force them to contribute if
they don't want to. Everyone should be
allowed to spent their money in whichever way
they want. Doing so will cause conflict and gap
between the rich and the poor. thanks for
your opinion. I will think more that.

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