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By the end of the lesson,
• Understand the importance of different mixing procedures in pastry making.
• Identify and differentiate between various mixing techniques.
• Demonstrate proficiency in applying appropriate mixing techniques for different pastry

Subject Matter: Bread and Pastry/ Culinary Arts

Topic: Mixing Procedures
References: Mixing | Baking Processes | BAKERpedia
Mixing Methods - Blending and Mixing Techniques in Baking | Crafty Baking | Formerly Baking911 |
CraftyBaking | Formerly Baking911

• Ingredients for a simple pastry recipe (e.g., flour, butter, sugar, eggs)
• Mixing bowls
• Whisks
• Pastry cutter or forks
• Spatula

II. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities


Good afternoon, everyone! How are you?

So far throughout the day?
Good afternoon, Ma’am. We are fine.

That's fantastic news! So, can I count on an

outpouring of energy and active participation
from you?

Yes Ma’am.
Opening Prayer

Before we start the lesson this afternoon, let's

pray for God's direction and enlighten our
minds so that we may fully comprehend the
lesson from this morning. Could you lead the
prayer, please? (Student will lead the prayer)
Attendance Students Agreeing

I think everyone is present. I’m so glad that

everyone understands the reasons for coming
to school regularly.

Review Yes Teacher.

Can you still recall the lecture we had
yesterday, class?

Maam, we discussed the Different mixing

Okay, Mr./ Ms. _________________ equipment.
What are those?

Maam, such as stand mixers, hand mixers, or

even manual techniques, can impact the
mixing process in pastry making.

Excellent, I Think you are now ready to move

to our next lesson.


Class, today I have prepared a collection of

images that are relevant to our discussion.
As I present these pictures, I kindly request that
you actively engage your minds and generate
ideas or thoughts about each image. This way,
when I proceed to ask questions, you will
already have formulated some initial ideas.
Please ensure that you have a clear view of the

Is everyone able to see the images adequately,

even those seated at the back?

‘’I appreciate the confirmation.’’

‘’Absolutely, ma'am!’’

B. Presentation/Learning Proper

To clarify our focus, our discussion

today revolves around the mixing
procedure in baking. Could anyone
provide a definition or explanation of
what mixing entails in the context of
Very well said Mr./ Ms. ________ Maam, mixing refers to the process of
combining ingredients thoroughly to create a
uniform mixture or batter.

Mixing is one of the most critical and

important operations in a bakery. The mixing
stage allows “inert” dry and liquid ingredients
to create a very reactive and dynamic system (Student silently Listening)
that can be then processed and transformed
into value-added products.

Mixing in baking typically involves

combining dry ingredients and liquid
Maam, we have flour, sugar, baking powder,
Anyone can give an example of dry and spices.
ingredients in baking?

‘’Excellent,’’ Mr./ Ms. ___________

How about the wet ingredients?

Maam, we have eggs, butter, milk, and


‘’Thank you for the good answers class.’’

This process helps to activate leavening

agents, develop gluten (in certain recipes),
and evenly distribute flavors throughout the

Continuing our discourse, let us proceed to a

more comprehensive exploration of the four Students actively listen.
mixing techniques.
1. Cutting
This is done to mix fats into dry
ingredients such as butter into pie
dough. Depending on your final
product, you can cut a mixture with a
pastry cutter, your fingers, or the
paddle attachment on your mixer.
2. Creaming
This is when you incorporate air while
combining softened fats and sugar.
Use the paddle attachment of the
mixer on medium for creaming.

Are you still following class? Did you get it?

Okay thank you for the confirmation so next
is Folding.

3. Folding ‘’Yes Maam ‘’

Folding is used to mix delicate
ingredients like whipping cream or
whipped eggs into a dough or batter.
When folding in ingredients, use a
rubber spatula or a balloon whisk.
4. Beating
This is the process of creating air or
gluten by quickly mixing ingredients.
You accomplish this by using a spoon
or the paddle attachment on a mixer.

Why is it essential to use the proper

techniques in mixing Procedures?

Maam, Proper mixing techniques are

important to achieve desirable outcomes, such
as achieving the desired texture, rise, and
structure in baked goods.

‘’Very Good, Mr./ Ms.’’ _______________

The purpose of employing various mixing

methods in baking is to achieve specific
objectives. Each technique serves different
functions depending on the desired outcome.
For instance, when the goal is to blend
ingredients together, recipe instructions might
recommend stirring. On the other hand, if the
aim is to incorporate air into the mixture, the
recipe may suggest whipping the ingredients.

‘’Step by step Procedures of Cutting mixing


1. Sift together measured flour, sugar,

and salt in a large mixing bowl.

2. Toss in cold butter pieces. Cut in butter

using a pastry cutter or your fingertips.
‘’Yes Maam’’
So, class did you understand the lesson?
‘’None Maam’’
Do you have any questions regarding our

So let me ask you if you don't have a

question. Which had you performed in those ‘’Maam, Folding.’’
four mixing techniques?

‘’ Maam, Cutting.’’

Thank you for Actively participating class.

Do you have any clarifications?

How about violent reactions?

Class we will be having (30) minutes hands on
activity about our discussion of course, so 30 minutes hands on activity
here’s the directions. Choose one of the mixing
procedures (cutting, folding, creaming, and
beating) and demonstrate it by applying the
mixing technique accurately.

What did you take away from today's class
activity and discussion?
Maam, I realized that Mixing helps combine
the various ingredients, such as flour, fat,
sugar, and leavening agents, to form a
homogeneous mixture. This ensures that each
bite of the pastry has a consistent taste and

Maam, Pastries with distinct textures result

from different mixing procedures. Gently
folding in ingredients, for example, produces
a delicate, soft crumb, whereas forceful
beating produces a thicker texture. The
manner of mixing utilized might have an
impact on the final product, allowing bakers
to obtain specific results.

Maam, I learned that Overmixing could lead

to gluten overdevelopment, resulting in a
tough texture. It can also cause excess air
loss, resulting in dense or flat pastries.

‘’You are all right class.’’

Overall, mastering the appropriate mixing
procedures in pastry making is vital to
achieving the desired taste, texture, and
overall quality of pastries. It allows bakers to
control variables such as gluten development,
aeration, and emulsion formation, leading to
consistently delicious results.


‘’Yes Maam’’

III. Evaluation
Each student will present their works and share their observations and conclusions about the impact of mixing
procedures on the final product.

IV. Assignment
Investigate more complex mixing techniques, such as the sponge method or the biscuit method.
Research and discuss famous pastry chefs noted for their mixing expertise.

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