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Week 3 - Task: Assignment – Frequency


Paola Jimena Chules Sanchez Emily Maricielo Yaranga Carrillo

Rodolfo Jesus Quincho Sanchez


Maricielo: Hi guys, how are you doing?

Paola: Hello maricielo, very good
Jesus: Hello maricielo, How are you?
Maricielo: Well thanks... mmm how about we go to the park to play tennis this Saturday?
Jesus: Sounds like a really good plan! Come on?
Paola: what time?
Maricielo: At ten in the morning and we would have lunch at my house.
Paola: I have plans for that day guys, we don't usually play tennis.
Jesus: Sounds like a great idea.
Maricielo: Paola, what day do you have free time?
Paola: i always go to the moll on saturday mornings with my girlfriend, what if you come with us?
Jesus: I never like going to the mall with my friends, I like the idea of going to play tennis more.
Paola: How about playing tennis on Sunday at two in the afternoon?
Maricielo: great
Jesus: I don't want to play tennis on Sunday, I can only leave the house once a week.
Maricielo: don't worry jesus. In that case, we can always go play at your house.
Paola: see you later guys
Maricielo: it's ok
Jesus: bye
Maricielo: On Saturdays, Jesus, you go to the park.
Jesus: that day i go to the moll with my girlfriend
Maricielo: ahh ok, good see you later
Jesus: Take care Maricielo

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