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The spell check feature in MS word allows is to check or correct the spelling in MS word while we are
typing. For using it, we have to go in review option from the menu bar then click on the spelling and
grammar to use it.

8.In order to give line spacing in text, first go to Home then in the third section you will find a option for
line and paragraph spacing. Clicking on it allows us to use it during any text or paragraph.

9.Bullets and numbering are the symbols or numbers used during writing a para or text or maybe
questions. It makes our sentences and answers or questions more differentiate and properly arranged in
sequence. For using bullets and numbering we have to go in Home then click on the first option from the
third section in order to use bullets and for numbering we can do the same which is beside the bullets

10.For deleting or making a row or column, go in the layout option from menu bar then click on the
columns to add a column or row. In order to delete a column or row select that specific row or column
then select delete to delete it.

11.Menubars are the different options present below the status bar which consists if different options
like home, design, layout, mailings, review, view, help, etc. Each option from the Menubar provides
different functions and tools in order to write the para or text.

12.Status bar is the horizontal bar located at the bottom of the program running which shows different
option about the program currently running. The status may contain about the no of pages , languages in
which the program is running, zoom in zoom out options and other things.

13. The toolbar provides different options for the program running, to modify as well as to make the
whole things in the program look in proper way. The toolbar helps in spell mistakes, capitalization,
change in font and its size, etc.

14. Working with para requires a lot of grammatical attention, checking capitals, commas, full stop,
changing line with next para as well proper use of quotation and double quotation marks. While writing
para it can be aligned in center, right or left according to the requirement. Also proper care should be
given to the spelling mistakes and use of commas in it.

15. The bold, italic and underline function of the MS word allows us to highlight the lines so that it can
stand as special and important word or line in a para or a single line. By pressing the shortcut keys ctrl+B
the bold can be used while ctrl+I allows us to make it in italic.

16. MS word allows us to print any document as required, there are different options available for the
users to make it more

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